Mastering the Art of Creating, Allowing and Receiving Your Good

Nina Wilkins art of allowing

Sananda has taught me that everything is created out of the Divine Qualities of Life, Truth and Love. When you are creating even the simplest thing, such as a cup of tea, or making an entire feast, ask yourself, “Does this contain Life for me?” “Is it True for me?” “Will it feel like Love?” When we ask ourselves these questions for our large or small projects, they will take on the frequencies of our High Self. Our Divine Presence will be imbued in the smallest or greatest of our co-creations with the Divine.

I love gardens so much. The first time I experienced a “secret garden” in Corona Del Mar, California, I was 14 years old. It was a magical place with a spectacular garden and tea room. The gift store had very special Scandinavian tea pots and housewares. Every single thing in the tea service was special. Melt-in-your-mouth pastries, tea that I had never tasted before, real cream and sparkling colored sugar. It was an experience that was very close to a tea ceremony or ritual. Magical.

Since that time, gardens have always healed, inspired and brought me peace. Tea parties continue to bring me joy and love. These simple activities contain Life, Truth and Love when created with Presence.

As we create, now, with the beautiful frequencies of our Earth Rising, we can make the simplest things sacraments and gifts to ourselves and every one around us. Everything takes on the radiance of the Divine when we take the time to notice and Be in our High Selves.

The photos for today’s blog still make me happy when I see them because that was a particularly joyful day for me. I was just out walking in Carmel, California, for the fun of it. The flowers contain the memories of that day and the radiance. If you close your eyes you can feel the celebration and joy of the fairies on the flowers telling them “grow, grow.”

I invite you to search for and discover your own secret garden just for the fun of it. Or, even better, co-create one with your own Divine qualities of Life, Truth and Love. You may be surprised by the fairies, tree spirits and gnomes dancing around you, inspiring you to write poems, or paint or… discover your own infinite creativity.

Nina Wilkins art of allowing

4 thoughts on “Mastering the Art of Creating, Allowing and Receiving Your Good

  1. I love this blog and the beautiful flower photos. Your flower photos always communicate love
    I am still working to uncover my resistance to my own progress from your last blog. Your writing is definitely divinely inspired.

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