Tag Archives: carl sandburg


Last year my personal theme for 2022 was happiness.  

Happiness springs from our core of Divine Love. Keeping my focus and attention on happiness gave me renewed ways of being happy.

For 2023 my theme is JOY.

Our essential nature is joy, though it can be covered over by forms of anxiety and fear.

I’ve learned that breathing in the moment and moving toward what I know of joy, now, can put me back to this natural state. 

When I’m joyful I feel myself, and I also feel well-being and peace.

What we focus on expands. Below is a list of quotes from a book, Joy, that was given to me by my daughter.

These are the days of miracle and wonder…”— Paul Simon 

“Remember the feeling as a child When you woke up and morning smiled? It’s time its time its time you felt like that again.”—Taj Mahal

Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.”—Walt Whitman 

“let joy be unconfined”—Lord Byron

Those who wish to sing always find a song.—Swedish Proverb

“Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.”—Carl Sandburg

“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”—Buddha 

When we turn our attention to joy we see how much joy and happiness we already have, and it expands.

The Universe we live in is expanding, and we have the creative ability to expand our choices– for Love, Giving, moving toward our good and joy.