The Beautiful Golden Age of Aquarius -Part 2

Clean oceans will be able to feed one billion people.

Watching this video gave me so much hope for the very real cleanup of Grandmother Earth and Mother Nature.

Seeing this great progress and the innovations made by this Canadian team has made me feel that we have a great momentum of positive change for our beautiful planet.


Other super organizations that you might want to support are:

Current they have helped 63 million people get clean water and household sanitation.


Working for the past 26 years, this group has a huge impact on helping marine life and researching ways to change how humanity treats our greatest planetary resource.

The Miracle of Honey Bees

You can look at life as though nothing is a miracle or that everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein

I choose that everything is a miracle.

In the three videos in this article it’s easy to see that honey bees are one of Mother Nature’s miracles.

The top video, thanks to CBS Sunday Morning, is our honey bees in Sunflowers moment of zen. 

Take the two minutes to hear their hum and see their work. Bees shouldn’t be able to fly. Their wings are so tiny and their bodies are so large.

We should thank them for their hard work for giving us about one quarter of all plant based farmed and wild products.

I have loved honey bees for as long as I can remember. 

I love their personal products: honey, bee pollen and propolis.

In all the years that I have been in gardens and near large groups of honey bees, I have only been stung once. I was riding my bicycle downhill and was singing at what a glorious day it was when a bee flew down my blouse and stung me. I laughed, and  it did bring my awareness back to pay attention as I was riding fast downhill. Thank you, dear bee.

I love the hum of bees. I find it comforting and healing.

I love fresh, raw golden honey. At our farmers market I have the chance to talk with the bee keepers. 

 They are aware to let the bees have a rest seasonally and are careful to give them half of their products for their hive and queen. So happy to see that carefulness for the hive.

This middle video speaks for Itself and is inspiring:

I love that you can see the sacred geometry of the honeycomb on the t-shirt she is wearing.

 Beeswax candles are my favorite. The fragrance is so fresh and calming.

The last video takes you to Conamara, Ireland.

I learned about Danu several years ago, and have been following her on YouTube ever since.

She is an Herbalist and Wise woman. She teaches courses on each and has a video every Sunday.

Recently she started bee keeping. You can learn the basics in this short video.

If you live near Santa Cruz, California, there are many resources and help for you to start your own hive. One I’m familiar with is “Mountain Feed and farm Supply” in Ben Lomond, California. Wonderful, helpful knowledgeable people are available with classes and supplies. They managed to stay open during the pandemic, fires and floods. 

Very impressive. 

I hope you might try a new adventure in bee keeping or using their organic golden honey or candles.

A Holiday bridge of love- light

What is a bridge of love-light, and why do we need them?

Over the last few years I have written here 166 articles about bridges that have worked for me.

I have wanted to share them because we are all in this together. When we are uplifted and feeling good that vibration radiates and can help others.

I was taught in Sunday School, “What blesses One blesses all.” I believe it.

I wanted to share a bridge of love-light in this video from Cindy (LadyoftheForest444).

She shares messages she receives from angels.

I discovered her a few months ago, and I find her videos uplifting and inspiring.

I feel she is also a messenger and ambassador for Grandmother Earth- Mother Nature.

We need bridges of love-light to help us get inspired to create and share joy, fun, art,  laughs– and to remember we are created out of Love and are Love.

I’m wishing You, Your family and friends many bridges of love-light during this holiday season and beyond– smiles, laughs, songs, gifts and of course fruitcake, sugar plums, hot chocolate and cookies.

Love and Blessings,



Mother Nature, Angels and the Spirit of Trees

Dear friends, I’d like to share a walk in the Irish woods with Lorna Byrne with You.

Get a cup of tea, sit by an open window or outside, and get comfortable.

Lorna is one of my favorite spiritual teachers and spirit of nature teachers. Quite simply,  I love her dearly. She has written eight books about Angels and teaches globally.

I, Nina, have taught people how to channel their spirit guides for the last 40 years, and one thing I have noticed is  that in the beginning, my clients close the door to their guides before we even get started through doubt, fear or self-criticism. They often expect to see things through their logical mind. Our intuitive mind, our imagination, our inner being or child, is innocent and always has the beginner’s mind and openness to receive; the art of allowing.

I invite you to have that part of you, present to enjoy this video.

I have watched it a few times and receive something new each time.

Invite your guardian Angel to go with you for even more fun.

Because I have been a spirit guide channel and spiritual teacher for so long, one of my personal favorite parts of my  learning has been an ability to communicate with trees, flowers, animals and the elementals.

The Earth energies now are very conducive for you  to do the same. Just relax and allow that love and beauty in. I have found that trees are very happy and honored to communicate with us. I always receive uplift and creative ideas from them.

I hope you enjoy,

Flower Essences

Flowers are a bridge of love-light for me.

Many  years ago I asked Sananda, “What do I do that helps people?” I had been a professional sensitive, healing energy worker and channel, for several years and I was mystified by the process of distant healing. He said, “You are a bridge of love light.” So, that is how my blog got its name.

You are also a bridge of love-light whenever you smile at another. When you do what you love or just be, your presence radiates Love.

Sananda told me the healing and change on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama, would be grass roots– individuals like us. He said Grandmothers, who are the embodiment of Divine Love, Flowers and Children– including your inner child, who is innocent– are and will be the main healers of our Earth.

When I work with people in sessions, Sananda always starts with: “Every moment, every step you have taken, is exactly as it was meant to be.” 

Often it doesn’t seem that way to us because we haven’t seen  the higher perspective of what we have been learning.

Today is a new day, and we can choose learning in more gentle ways.

Flowers are my go-to for spiritual growth, peace, joy and  for a gentle way of changing to a higher vibration.

David Austin (English Roses) had  spent a lifetime learning and writing about roses. He has written many books, and when I read one of his several years ago, I was in awe that he could discover so much about the unique aspects of different roses. He has passed on, though his rose company in England is flourishing.

I Love Green Hope Farm. Their new collection of very special Rose essences is available now. Their staff is very happy to work with you to chose an essence that is just right for you and also to tell you how they work.

Flower essences are no less than magical.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth, tells us flowers have lived on our dear Earth-Mother for 114 million years. Flowers, with their unique experiences guided by their over-lighting Devas, have much to share.

From Green Hope Farm: “Roses are different. Roses come into incarnation in a vibration beyond duality, aligned only with their unified experience of self as Divinity. In this way they are both a glimpse of where we are going and footholds for us to rise up into our untarnished soul.” Copyright Molly Sheehan

An example of one (there are several more) rose essence from Green Hope Farm: FREEDOM- Golden Wings Rose.

Golden Wings Rose describes itself as a secret weapon that cuts us free of the binding of fear. Could there be any more helpful support as where there is fear there is no love.

Go online and discover their amazing website or call 603-469-3662. 

I feel you will discover a whole new world of Divine Mother Mystery in the form of flowers, in their essence.


This information is copyrighted all rights are reserved by the author. The intent of this information is educational only. It is not in any way a prescription for medical treatment. This information is given to help the reader in their quest for spiritual and emotional well-being. It is your constitutional right to use the information, though the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Grandmother Earth

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin…” – William Shakespeare

I thank CBS Sunday Morning for giving us the lovely Nature videos.

I love standing barefoot on our Grandmother Earth. In a very short  time I feel more vitality and joy within me.

I also feel so much better when I’m taking a hot shower and just consciously let my worries and stress go down the drain. Water is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature gives to us.

Often these days my intuition says to me, “Just let go.” Return to the Love that You are.

I Love Eckhart Tolle’s teachings on the “Power of Now. ” When  I’m stressed I put my palm down over my heart and breathe deeply. I ask myself, “What thoughts do I want to bring into this Now?” Within a short time I’m back to Peace. 

Over the years I have asked myself, “Divine Love, what is my purpose?” I hear, “Remain calm; step into the Light.” After asking many times, over the years, I hear the same thing, so that is my purpose.  

I give that thought to You, today. These short videos in Mother Nature can help You, if You don’t have time to  walk in Nature. 

Just being receptive as you watch them, helps You imagine  that you are there, hearing the sounds and feeling the breeze on your cheeks. 

I have always loved Canada Geese. They always seem to bring me luck. I love the videographer here,  capturing their eyes and feeling their nobility. Their good parenting is transmitted. Thank you.

In the lower video the colors and tranquillity of the Smoky Mountains, somewhere I have wanted to visit, are available to Us. Deer have been one of my animal totems for many years. Their awareness, gentleness and beauty are unmatched in the animal kingdom.

I’m very grateful for the infinite variety, beauty and Healing power of Mother Nature. We are blessed beyond measure living on this Sweet Earth.

I love what John Denver said of one reason he loved Nature so much: “I love Mother Nature so much because she listens to me.”

Nature Always brings me to Peace, and helps me to “Remain Calm, and Step into the light.”

Love, Nina 


Einstein is quoted as saying you can live your life as if nothing is a miracle or that everything is a miracle.

I prefer the latter.

Water is Love in the Elemental Kingdoms.

The Earth is 70% Water. Our bodies are 70% Water. We are also Love. That in itself is a miracle.

One small miracle for me happened this week as I decided to write about water. I looked up Masaru Emoto’s book on Amazon, Love Thyself, to see if it was still available. As I found it, the top heading said, “Nina you purchased this book on March 21, 2019.” I laughed as I knew I would be writing about water today, March 21, 2023.

Masaru Emoto has felt he discovered the water crystals, and that water has memory, by being guided by the spirit, or Hado, of water. I feel that I was guided by that same spirit to write again about the miracle of water. If you search for Water with the tool above, you will find 17 other articles about the miracles, Magic and mysteries of water.

Are your emotions solid and frozen? Love and forgiveness may help you. Are you steaming mad? Maybe taking a few breaths in the Now will bring you back to peace. Are you a stagnant pond? Movement in Nature can clear your inertia and bring clarity to you. Are you weeping and sad? Let go. All things are becoming new.

“To love yourself is to love and thank all of existence” -Masaru Emoto

Water corresponds to our emotions. We can be a raging river or a peaceful lake, a stream or fog. A 50-foot wave or humidity on a hot day. Rain, snow, sleet and mists are part of our holographic makeup. Tuning in to our own waters will give us insights to our own healing and how to heal our Oceans, rivers and streams.

We can heal the waters of the Earth and heal our bodies at the same time when we understand the rice experiment. (Top video.) Our consciousness is raised when we understand the power of our thoughts, words, emotions, feelings and actions.

Both of the videos today go far to enhance our understanding of the Miracle of water.

The photographs  of the crystals are from Water Crystal Oracle by Masaru Emoto, from The Hidden Messages in Water.

To make a  simple tonic for yourself, hold your glass of water and feel Gratitude and Appreciation. 

These frequencies are the same as Love, the most powerful force in the universe, and will bring that message to your water. Drink and enjoy.

Thank you.

Mother Nature

Women’s History Month, March 1 – 31, 2023

Today I’m grateful for Grandmother Earth and to Mother Nature.

I’m grateful for my great grandmother, my grandmother, my mom, my sister and my daughters, all who have made and are making a beautiful history and herstory.

I’m grateful for my soul sisters and all the beautiful and courageous soul sisters who have gone before us.

Martha Graham is one of those impactful beautiful women I’m grateful to. I have read the quote below many times to inspire me to keep going in my work. 

“There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.

And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.

It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.

It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open…whether you choose to take an art class, keep a journal, record your dreams, dance your story, or live each day from your own creative source, above all else, keep the channel open!”

My good friend, Maxine Musgrave, looked a lot like Martha Graham. She was my Spiritual teacher and we had many years of fruitful discussions on how we could Love more. She always said right before we hung up or said goodbye: “Ok Honey. We will keep going!”


We are all transforming hour by hour into our Highest  Self.

Life on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama at this time is an amazing adventure that is not for the faint of heart when experienced in its fullness.

Grandmother Earth, Mother Nature, has everything we need for a healthy, happy and abundant Life.

Eckhart Tolle’s book Stillness Speaks has one of my favorite phrases, “Mother Nature, as it were, has been waiting for us for millions of years.” Now is our time. We can listen to Nature and be amazed, delighted, healed, inspired and Happy.

I chose the top video today from John Denver, because I have had similar experiences, like the one he sings about, driving down the California coast in Big Sur. I love his phrase that he caught this song, “Perhaps Love,” as it flew by him. That he had to catch it.

Our own creativity in song writing, baking, problem solving or Art can be like that. We have to catch it, because it is in our higher, illogical and/or Spiritual parts of ourselves.

The middle video demonstrates how John deeply and reverently loved Nature. Part of why he loves Mother Nature so much is it listens to him.

I have experienced  that truth  for myself. I will be walking and asking for the assurance that I’m on my right Spiritual path, and I will receive any number of signs that are meaningful to me. One of my totems is the mourning Dove. Often, right after I ask, one will fly right in front of me. Others are angel forms in the clouds, or the sun breaking through the clouds or a baby Moose appearing across the street. (Photo below.)

Mother Nature speaks and listens to us and Gives us abundance, peace and Life. Now is our turn to give back in ways that are meaningful and joyful for our own unique Beingness.

Wishing you wonderful nature walks, happy gardening and co-creating the life you love with your own High Self, friends, family and Mother Nature.

Baby Moose. Photo by Hana Cynkar.


We are in a highly creative time, NOW.

You can give yourself a highly effective home study course by using the principles in these books.

Creating Money, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Money and the Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks


The Tao of Allowing, by G.P. Walsh

Many years ago I taught a year-long course for 16 participants. I titled it Spiritual Prosperity. We met twice a month in my home and used the top three books among several others as our texts. The Tao of Allowing is a most important current addition. We must know we are allowed to allow and receive our good.

We were all Channels and Healers and accustomed to working with the Divine in meditation, prayer, and using our intuition. This Course was about creating miracles in our lives and bringing to fruition our purposes and desires. 

We gave each other support and reported our personal miracles to each other, sometimes daily.

It was a joyful, fun, and rewarding class for me to give– to hear the participants’ stories of receiving the fruition of long held desires that they thought were impossible to accomplish.

I’m sharing these ideas today so you can utilize these thoughts and feelings to co-create and manifest your own desires.

Determine your current, heart felt soul desires first. Ask the Universe of good, your Source, the Divine as clearly as you can, your wishes. Then  Allow it so you can receive it.

Your feelings are your guide.

There really is only one important question for you to ask: ‘How can I bring myself into vibrational alignment with the desires that my experience has produced?

And the answer is simple:  “Pay attention to the way you feel and deliberately choose thoughts —about everything—that feel good to you when you think them.”- Esther and Jerry Hicks

Happy creating,