Category Archives: You Are a Gift

You Are a Gift and Bridge of Love and Light to All That Is

Pinkish Red, 1st Chakra; Yellow, 3rd Chakra

One very simple way to bring out our own unique spiritual gifts is through Color.

Our own being is very Colorful. Our aura is ever changing rainbows of light. Color can uplift our mood and give us energy. Today I have included photos of flowers that match our eight Chakras. We have recently added our Soul Star Chakra to our familiar seven. Chakras are our wheels of energy that form our electric body.

Orange, 2nd Chakra; Green, 4th Chakra, Heart

In several of my blogs I have mentioned or quoted the Hicks material, The Law of Attraction, and how Abraham teaches the importance of feeling good. Actually, the utmost importance of feeling good. “Think thoughts that make you feel good when you think them” is their powerful teaching.

Color, like music, art, dance and our creativity, can uplift us to a place where we can think thoughts that make us happy. One summer when I lived in Carmel, CA, it was completely overcast and foggy for several weeks. So much so that the local drugstore began selling pink lightbulbs that would uplift, and very bright lights.

Indigo, 5th Chakra, Your Voice, Your Word

Coloring with Crayola brand crayons never fails to uplift me. I love feeling my happy inner child as I just take the time to Color for the fun of it. When I was growing up and was bored or just feeling down, my mom would say, “Why don’t you Color?” Coloring uplifted me enough to get a good idea of what to do next in my day, and that still holds true for me.

A friend of mine, who is a therapist, would practice on me with her Color therapy. She would have me sit quietly with my eyes closed and then would drape me with various vibrantly Colored silk cloths. After each one she would ask me how I felt and what quality or Color it was. I was surprised that a brown cloth made me feel Peace and I thought it was sky blue. I felt the red was green and the sunshine yellow was purple. I really enjoyed the time we spent because it emphasized for me how much the Color of my clothes affected my mood. That was many years ago, and I still close my eyes and feel the Color of my clothes to see if they uplift me.

6th Chakra, 3rd Eye, White, Celestial Realms and Spirit

The simple use of Color to uplift or enhance your mood can make that slight difference to lead you to the next thought or inspiration to keep you spiraling upward to create your good. Color is one of the many reasons I go to gardens to feel inspired. White is every reflected Color. Black is every absorbed Color. Nature’s infinite variety of Color gives us chances to experience Color from sunrise to sunset, moonlight, starlight and the play of light on flowers and trees. The diamond light dancing reflections on the ocean or lakes and streams gives me joy.

7th, Crown Chakra, Purple, Amethyst

The photos above and below are not exact representations of the Colors of our eight Chakras, but they are close enough to remind us we are part of nature and all that is. Looking at favorite Colors or eating foods that are your favorite Colors can enliven you. Color is a valuable Bridge of Love Light.

Violet, 8th Chackra, Soul Star

Originally published October 15, 2019