Category Archives: Joy


Last year my personal theme for 2022 was happiness.  

Happiness springs from our core of Divine Love. Keeping my focus and attention on happiness gave me renewed ways of being happy.

For 2023 my theme is JOY.

Our essential nature is joy, though it can be covered over by forms of anxiety and fear.

I’ve learned that breathing in the moment and moving toward what I know of joy, now, can put me back to this natural state. 

When I’m joyful I feel myself, and I also feel well-being and peace.

What we focus on expands. Below is a list of quotes from a book, Joy, that was given to me by my daughter.

These are the days of miracle and wonder…”— Paul Simon 

“Remember the feeling as a child When you woke up and morning smiled? It’s time its time its time you felt like that again.”—Taj Mahal

Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.”—Walt Whitman 

“let joy be unconfined”—Lord Byron

Those who wish to sing always find a song.—Swedish Proverb

“Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.”—Carl Sandburg

“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”—Buddha 

When we turn our attention to joy we see how much joy and happiness we already have, and it expands.

The Universe we live in is expanding, and we have the creative ability to expand our choices– for Love, Giving, moving toward our good and joy.


Porcupine on Teton River – Photo by Hana Cynkar

One of my personal bridges of love light that never fails me is Mother Nature.

The infinite variety of life here on Grandmother Earth provides unlimited opportunities for joy, discovery, healing and wonder.

I can be feeling “blue,” as my mom used to call sadness, and a few minutes being with the spirit of nature brings me back to Joy.

We are made out of Love, which contains joy. 

My intention for our new year of 2022 is to cultivate more Joy for myself and others.

The photo above is of a porcupine in the grass, which perfectly camouflages it. My friend once taught me that if you want to spot wildlife, hold a focus toward the horizon and look for movement. That really works. I’m always elated when I can spot a deer or even tiny critters in the wild.

The Diamond light sparkles on the water always bring me joy also.

The bottom photo is of another Joy producer for me, flowers. 

For your 2022, you may want to cultivate more joy in your life. Joy helps your body be its healthiest. Joy opens up our creativity. Joy emanates from us to spread happiness to others. Joy inspires.

The following are resources that have helped me cultivate more Joy in my life:

Donna Eden’s “Radiant Circuit” online course and 10 minute energy routine.

All of Eckhart Tolle’s books and online courses.

Green Hope Farm, flower essences and website.

Mission: JOY, Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.

The Elemental Kingdom, The Spirit of Mother Nature, Earth, Air, Water, Fire.

The Animal and Plant Kingdoms.

Singing “LuLaLuLaLi. Love, Peace, Harmony and Joy.”

Dr. & Master Sha’s  books and website.

We are all unique in the Universe. Cultivating your very own Joy space is well worth your time and effort.

Photo by Nina Wilkins


Such a small word for such a big, wonderful, important feeling.

We are made out of Love, which contains joy.

Esther Hicks, Emmet Fox and Ernest Holmes, to name a few, all teach us the spiritual importance of joy. Esther has spent the last 30 years in books and workshops teaching us how important it is to feel good, to create a life we love to live. The law of attraction demonstrates, always, that like attracts like.

The Hicks material goes as far as to say that feeling good is our number one priority. They give simple instructions: meditate 15 minutes every morning. Do a “rampage of appreciation.” Write in your book of positive aspects. This process is your point of attraction for your good. Appreciation is love, and love is the most important part of attracting your good.

This simple formula, done consistently, will bring you to joy, as joy is your essential self: love.

Joy is within you, as you are love.

Is it that simple?

Yes, I believe it is.

I do feel that joy is your #1 bridge of love-light to your High Self, your higher consciousness: inspiration, intuition, peace, fun, harmony and purpose.

My higher guides always tell me that if I am feeling joy I am doing my purpose.

In the video above, the Dalai Lama and his friend Desmond Tutu are creating a Divine World mission of joy. I have watched the video several times and can’t help but smiling and feeling joy each time. It shows us how radiating joy and laughter is contagious. 

In these times we can all use more joy and humor.

This link takes you to their web page for Mission: JOY.


In the animal kingdoms the hummingbird is the totem of Joy. Whenever a hummingbird comes close to me and I hear its sound and feel its vibration, I do feel Joy. Its colors are so alive, radiant and glistening; so vibrant. Hummingbirds can fly backwards, forwards and straight up so quickly that their flash of color seems to clear away any old, stagnant energy in the air. It’s easy to see why they are the totem of Joy.

Sananda has told me often that if I am feeling Joyful I’m doing my purpose.

Joy contains love, peace, happiness, fun, humor, laughs, creativity, inspiration and is a frequency that strengthens you. Such a small word with a huge impact on our lives.

The thing about Joy it is a gift from Divine Love that is a part of us and always available. It is our presence in the stillness. Joy will bubble up from our beingness when given a chance.

When I first learned to channel higher frequency guides, one of the first questions we would ask of our guides was, “Is it possible to live with Real Joy?” (Opening to Channel, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer). The guides had many thoughts for us that would help us live with Joy. Because that was a question that always got strong response from our guides, Joy was given an important role in our Spiritual growth and Life Choices. So much so that Sanaya channeled her first book from her guide, Orin, teaching about Joy; Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman.

Take Joy breaks in your day. Joy uplifts, and from that place your creativity will flow.

Some Joy thoughts from the book, Joy, written and compiled by M.H. Clark:
Prepare for Joy and believe in Joy.
“These are the days of miracle and wonder.” Paul Simon
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” Marianne Williamson
“I thank you God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.” E.E. Cummings.

So today, savor Joy.

Below, I included one of my favorite pieces of music, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” It’s even better because it’s a flash mob in a shopping mall in Japan. I never tire of hearing it.

I hope I have given you Joy today.

“The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.” John Greenleaf Whittier

joy nina wilkins sananda


Don’t underestimate the power of Joy in your life. Joy is a bridge of love-light. Joy lets you know you are being your true self as it is an essential part of you. Joy can lead you to laughter and fun.

Joy will inspire you to take your next step in your life adventure. The frequencies of Joy, laughter and fun, are Whole Self healing energies. Joy, laughter and fun are well worth your time.

Your Joy is often unique to you. One of the beautiful mysteries of Divine Love is the discovery of Your Joy.  Finding this Joy can make all the difference in your health, wellbeing and success .

Taking the time to seek out Joy will touch all areas of your life for the better.

Finding and experiencing your Joy is the quality that will radiate to all beings on earth in a very beneficial way. It is the antidote to fear. Joy is a way one person can heal the world, as it is highly contagious.

One of my favorite books that is a great bridge of love-light is Living with Joy, by Sanaya Roman. Each page carries the Joy it is talking about as the words are an expression of her Spirit guide, Orin.

Joy is a large part of your High Self.  Being in Joy is a delightful way for you and me to uplift the trees, plants, flowers, children, ocean and All.