Category Archives: Love Gratitude and Forgiveness

Gentleness, Kindness and Appreciation: The Best Bridges to Love

Idaho Deer
Photo by Hana Wilkins

Last week we were driving in the mountains in southeastern Idaho, when this stunning whitetail buck came into view. His gentle, wise eyes met mine, and I felt a peace and gentleness from his gaze. Hana was quick enough to stop and capture the image in this photo. I was reminded that deer carry the quality of gentleness and beauty in the animal kingdom. They are also one of the keepers of the spirit of nature. That moment brought me to peace and a reminder to be gentle with myself and others.

I enjoy watching the Ellen Degeneres show. I always laugh and appreciate that her last word of the show is “ be kind to one another.” A little kindness can change a person’s entire life for the better. I have enclosed a link to a YouTube video that is by an astrologer I enjoy, and this week she has included a channeling from St. Francis of Assisi. It’s very encouraging, as she relates the current cosmic alignments of planets, combined with a wave of love from Divine mother are creating a wave of kindness. I am holding that image of a wave of kindness as I know that is the true reality of humanity.

We are coming upon one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. Giving thanks is one of the most powerful ways to experience love. Abraham, through all of the Hicks’ materials, teaches us to have a rampage of appreciation to feel Good, and that feeling Good is our most important way to receive our Good. Thanksgiving is our wonderful opportunity to share that feeling with many other people. The atmosphere of gratitude fills the air. We allow ourselves to give and receive thanks from our family and friends and have the chance to affirm abundance for all. With this wave of kindness at hand we will have the opportunity to sustain Thanksgiving all year long.

Many blessings and Happy Thanksgiving.

Love, Gratitude, and Forgiveness

Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness

Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness are Divine frequencies that hold us in Real Life, not in illusion that is created by our beliefs in separation from the Universe of Good.

When we go to, and are in, Divine frequencies, we are with God. We are then one with God in our own belief. We are always one with God in Reality. When we accept this atonement for ourselves we are fulfilling what A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace, states is our only Real responsibility.

Practicing these qualities will never fail to bring you to the next highest vibration you can accept. Soon, even though a moment ago you were in a disturbing feeling, you can keep “turning the other cheek” and focusing on your Good. Your Divinity. Your Goodness. Your Innocence. You can accept your Self Acceptance and know you are Unified with Divine Love.

Both of these courses, A Course in Miracles and Unified: A Course on Truth and Practical Guidance from Babaji (by Roger G. Lanphear), have helped me so much over the years to grow spiritually and to help others heal and find Peace. When Babaji tells us we need to accept our Self Acceptance, at first I thought that was redundant. After reflection I realized that we can have a drink of water, but to accept it we have to drink it. When we accept our Self Acceptance it is so much easier to accept others’.

We are all so unique that only our Creator and ourselves really know us. I feel that is how the Divine calls us home, to Peace, Love and Joy.

Love, Gratitude, and Forgiveness