Category Archives: blessings and bounty

The Miracle of Honey Bees

You can look at life as though nothing is a miracle or that everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein

I choose that everything is a miracle.

In the three videos in this article it’s easy to see that honey bees are one of Mother Nature’s miracles.

The top video, thanks to CBS Sunday Morning, is our honey bees in Sunflowers moment of zen. 

Take the two minutes to hear their hum and see their work. Bees shouldn’t be able to fly. Their wings are so tiny and their bodies are so large.

We should thank them for their hard work for giving us about one quarter of all plant based farmed and wild products.

I have loved honey bees for as long as I can remember. 

I love their personal products: honey, bee pollen and propolis.

In all the years that I have been in gardens and near large groups of honey bees, I have only been stung once. I was riding my bicycle downhill and was singing at what a glorious day it was when a bee flew down my blouse and stung me. I laughed, and  it did bring my awareness back to pay attention as I was riding fast downhill. Thank you, dear bee.

I love the hum of bees. I find it comforting and healing.

I love fresh, raw golden honey. At our farmers market I have the chance to talk with the bee keepers. 

 They are aware to let the bees have a rest seasonally and are careful to give them half of their products for their hive and queen. So happy to see that carefulness for the hive.

This middle video speaks for Itself and is inspiring:

I love that you can see the sacred geometry of the honeycomb on the t-shirt she is wearing.

 Beeswax candles are my favorite. The fragrance is so fresh and calming.

The last video takes you to Conamara, Ireland.

I learned about Danu several years ago, and have been following her on YouTube ever since.

She is an Herbalist and Wise woman. She teaches courses on each and has a video every Sunday.

Recently she started bee keeping. You can learn the basics in this short video.

If you live near Santa Cruz, California, there are many resources and help for you to start your own hive. One I’m familiar with is “Mountain Feed and farm Supply” in Ben Lomond, California. Wonderful, helpful knowledgeable people are available with classes and supplies. They managed to stay open during the pandemic, fires and floods. 

Very impressive. 

I hope you might try a new adventure in bee keeping or using their organic golden honey or candles.


Dawn. Photo by Nina Wilkins

Years ago when I taught prosperity workshops I would have the participants, one by one, stand alone in the center of a circle made by the 20 participants and receive love. We would all think loving thoughts about that person. The instructions for the person in the middle were to just Be receptive to the Love. Receive the love and appreciation of the group. After a few minutes I would ask everyone to clap for and smile at the person in the center. After this exercise,  we all realized we needed practice in receiving love and appreciation.  When our friends clapped for us, we all had a difficult time receiving the applause.

If you wish for your good– love, money, health or any good thing– start with allowing love and appreciation for You. Accept the feeling of many people loving you and clapping for you.

Appreciation is the same vibration as Love. St. Germaine, one of my Spirit guides, often tells me everything I could wish for is at hand. When we allow our good, we can create the generous attitude that there is  plenty for all. 

Love is the most powerful and attractive force in the Universe. Love attracts love, so for any of your wishes to come true start with LOVE. Love You, Your family, Pets, Mother Earth, colors, clouds, music… whatever. There is an  infinite number of choices.

I didn’t realize until I gave an Easter Sunrise ceremony for some friends that Dawn, first light, does not always coincide with Sunrise, depending on where you are Geographically and Seasonally. I always thought they were at the same moment. Dawn, first light, when the small birds start chirping, may be several minutes before you see the sun actually rising on the horizon. This is the same for sunset and dusk. 

Dawn and dusk are the in-between times. These are the magical times when we can see fairies and tree spirits, where your own special Earth Magic can come alive.

 Watch the Dawn move into Sunrise and feel the New Day. If you can do this standing barefoot on the Earth, all the better.

Enjoy the Dusk after the Sun sets and realize all of the goodness of your day. These simple practices can bring you to appreciate You and all that is around you: sky, stars, Earth, air, water and fire. We are Now in the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, the Water bearer, the Love bearer. This is as magical and mystical in-between times as it gets.

Dusk. Carmel, CA. Photo by Nina Wilkins

Sound, Music and Frequency

We have explored many Bridges of Love Light in this blog. One that is very potent, and that the Angels Love, is Sound: Musical vibration and frequency. We touched upon the bridge of silence in a previous blog; The Music of Silence, Stillness Speaks, and “Be still and know that I am God.” Today we will explore the powerful bridge of Music and Sound. In Stillness, you might hear the Music of the spheres as the Angels do.

Nature Sounds are some of my favorites. A wonderful movie that demonstrates the power of Sound is August Rush. The young orphan, played by Freddie Highmore, hears rhythms and Music in natural Sounds that no one else does. He really hears “the beat of his own drummer” and holds to his faith that Music will bring his parents to him. If you have missed that one, I highly recommend it.

I have included today two videos from Liberace. He played the piano with so much joy that you cannot help but be uplifted by it. The piano allows us to hear each individual note and its vibration or Frequency. An activity worth your time and attention is exploring what Frequencies and Music uplift you.

The Sounds of the Ocean waves, shore birds (particularly sea gulls) and sea lions were my companions for most of my life. These Sounds soothed me and brought peace and inspiration. Now that I live in the mountains, I have found new nature Sounds: the migration of Canadian Snow Geese, the rustle of the aspen leaves and the squawk of our neighborhood magpie. Another is the Sound of silence in the new-fallen snow.

In exploring vibration and Frequency there are many avenues. Some that I enjoy are Tibetan bells; drums; crystal singing bowls; tuning forks (a complete set costs about $140). You can explore tuning your own vibration the way a piano is tuned, by noticing your feelings for each vibration. Many alternative healing practitioners have discovered healing Sounds. One instrument that always uplifts me is the didgeridoo. Also the recorder, pan flute and symphonic flute.

My mother loved Liberace, which is one reason I chose those pieces today. Like smells and fragrances, Music can take us to a specific time and place in our memories. These pieces I chose did that for me and reminded me of our mother writing in our baby books. She wrote about my sister Charmaine, when she was about four years old, saying, “What is that sound? Oh, it is me singing.” We all laughed at that memory a lot. Another fun thing my sister did with Music as an adult made me laugh, but was also very effective: she played John Philip Sousa marches to inspire her to iron and do housework. Doing this can’t help but make you laugh and lighten up.

I invite you to explore the power of Sound, Music and Frequency to uplift your own unique vibration and be your Bridge to Love and Light.

Beauty, Blessings and Bounty

Beauty, Blessings and Bounty

We have an infinite number of ways to bridge the gap from any negative thought, emotion or feeling to an experience of more Love and light. Some of my favorites are seeing, contemplating or remembering the beauty, blessings and bounty I have in my Life. The photo for today is one my younger daughter took at sunset near Teton Creek, Idaho. The whitetail doe posed for us, and we got to see her long fluffy tail– very beautiful. 

Beauty in any of its forms has the power to heal us in the blink of an eye. During this winter holiday season we may experience times of intense feelings. To bring myself back to peace I take the time to really see the beauty around me. Sananda has told me that beauty contains Truth. I Love that thought, and I also Love the experience of it. Just being with a beautiful scene, memory or melody can bring us to the Truth that resides within us. That inspiration of our true Beingness can transport us out of any heavy, uncomfortable feelings to Joy. Peace, Love and Joy are part of our soul-infused personality that we can always count on. This holiday season I hope you will take the time to really be blessed by the bounty and beauty of lights, decorations, music, baking with family and friends and singing. Lots of singing.

One of my sister’s expressions that she uses often is “What blesses one blesses All.” When she says that to me I feel so happy because I know that is true. She is a Master at giving. She often sends me boxes of happiness in the mail. Enclosed are her perfect heart-shaped shortbread cookies, her very unique handmade greeting cards filled with loving expressions and usually beautiful clothes. I am instantly smiling and uplifted. 

We are all sensitive souls and can feel others’ heartaches at times. Our world is in transition to a kinder and more awakened state, and in the process many negative states and traumas need to be released. At these times giving blessings, receiving blessings and thanking for all of our blessings are our always available bridges to Love-light. Thank you, Charmaine.

If we feel any lack this holiday season we can alleviate that quickly by prayer blessings. I came across a beautiful and powerful one yesterday on YouTube. It’s a meditation with the fairies in Avalon to bless all of God’s creatures on Earth: people, all animals, plants, fish of the sea, insects, trees and the elements. Prayer blessings are very effective because we are all connected. We are one with All that is. We always, all ways, have something to give and bless with. Jokes, smiles, songs, prayers and our own fun and Joy will bless All including us. And, if you really want to bless the world, learn how to make heart-shaped shortbread and give half of them away. The blessings will be multiplied many fold—beyond your imagination!

I like to always include the qualities of Life, Truth and Love in my blogs as I know those are the Divine qualities that we are creating heaven on Earth with. This morning I couldn’t think of another word that started with “B” for the Love aspect, and Hana said, “bounty.” Yes! Bounty.

The Truth of our creations contain beauty. The Life of our creations contain blessings. The Love of our creations contain bounty. 

There is a saying, “You can’t out-give God,” because your giving in its heartfelt nature returns to you multiplied. Bounty is one of the Divine qualities of our new Earth and our New World. That bounty is here for us now if we will allow it. Let’s bless ourselves, our family, our friends, the animals, Mother Nature and Grandmother Earth in any and all ways that bring us Joy.