Tag Archives: Albert Einstein

The Miracle of Honey Bees

You can look at life as though nothing is a miracle or that everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein

I choose that everything is a miracle.

In the three videos in this article it’s easy to see that honey bees are one of Mother Nature’s miracles.

The top video, thanks to CBS Sunday Morning, is our honey bees in Sunflowers moment of zen. 

Take the two minutes to hear their hum and see their work. Bees shouldn’t be able to fly. Their wings are so tiny and their bodies are so large.

We should thank them for their hard work for giving us about one quarter of all plant based farmed and wild products.

I have loved honey bees for as long as I can remember. 

I love their personal products: honey, bee pollen and propolis.

In all the years that I have been in gardens and near large groups of honey bees, I have only been stung once. I was riding my bicycle downhill and was singing at what a glorious day it was when a bee flew down my blouse and stung me. I laughed, and  it did bring my awareness back to pay attention as I was riding fast downhill. Thank you, dear bee.

I love the hum of bees. I find it comforting and healing.

I love fresh, raw golden honey. At our farmers market I have the chance to talk with the bee keepers. 

 They are aware to let the bees have a rest seasonally and are careful to give them half of their products for their hive and queen. So happy to see that carefulness for the hive.

This middle video speaks for Itself and is inspiring:

I love that you can see the sacred geometry of the honeycomb on the t-shirt she is wearing.

 Beeswax candles are my favorite. The fragrance is so fresh and calming.

The last video takes you to Conamara, Ireland.

I learned about Danu several years ago, and have been following her on YouTube ever since.

She is an Herbalist and Wise woman. She teaches courses on each and has a video every Sunday.

Recently she started bee keeping. You can learn the basics in this short video.

If you live near Santa Cruz, California, there are many resources and help for you to start your own hive. One I’m familiar with is “Mountain Feed and farm Supply” in Ben Lomond, California. Wonderful, helpful knowledgeable people are available with classes and supplies. They managed to stay open during the pandemic, fires and floods. 

Very impressive. 

I hope you might try a new adventure in bee keeping or using their organic golden honey or candles.

The Magic, Miracles and Mystery of Water, Part 3

Mesa Falls, Idaho. Photo by H. L. Wilkins

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

I choose that every thing in Life is a miracle, especially Water.

I grew up near the ocean and loved being in it, surfing, swimming and floating. I had the opportunity to be in the Water often, and even as a child it was fun to notice the infinite variety of the surf, waves, tides and ever changing colors of the Water. The surf would change dramatically every 15-30 minutes. For me, it was never ending joy and fun.

If I ever got a cut or a bruise or just didn’t feel good, my mom would say, “Just go jump in the ocean, and you will be fine.” She was right. The ocean was much cleaner in the 1950s and 1960s, and my healing was speedy.

As I have spoken of in earlier blogs there are still hundreds of ancient sacred wells and natural springs where people enjoy healing Waters. One is in Bath, England. This one has a magical history dating to the 9th Century, B.C. Richard Beaumont writes about “the Dreaming Pool of Bath,” in an article in “The Healing Power of Water,” by Masaru Emoto. He has personal mystical experiences at the site and reports of its magic and mystery. One of his conclusions is regarding the mystery of Water.

Richard Beaumont states: “In our current study of Water, especially with Dr. Emoto’s discovery of the effect of thought and prayer upon Water crystals, there are two paradigms at work, and they don’t necessarily mix. On the one hand, there’s science, with its reliance on neutral objective evidence and logical conclusions. But there’s also the mystical experience of those in touch with natural forces, which defies logic definitions, as it’s interpretations are both universally applicable and yet subjectively personal…

“If it can indeed become altered by the consciousness directed at it, isn’t it also possible that it could contain and project a more evolved consciousness?”

I believe Water can and does project higher consciousness to us: Love.

If you like, try sitting near a creek, river, lake, pond or the ocean and listen to what it has to tell you. You may be surprised at the inspiration you receive– also the Love. Water is teaching us all of the time about change and movement, transformation.

I saw a very tender movie this Holiday Season, 2019, “The Knight Before Christmas”—Medieval Magic sends a 14th Century Knight to modern-day Ohio. A statement that was repeated a couple of times in the movie, “just because you can’t explain something logically doesn’t mean it can’t happen,” made me think of The Magic, Miracles and Mystery of Water.

Water can be a facilitator of love, inspiration, healing and clarity.

I’m very grateful that so many worldwide are praying for clean Water for All. It’s easy if you would like to join– hold a vision of Global respect for our Waters with Gratitude and Love.

Thank you.

Fairie Nina Wilkins

Spiritual Prosperity: The Unified Field, Part Two

Albert Einstein teaches us that we can look at our lives as if “everything is a miracle, or that nothing is a miracle.”

A group of friends and I had a practice for several years to give our attention to, and report to each other, our daily miracles great and small. What we notice, and hold our attention on, manifests and increases. Sananda teaches us look toward what you want to create.  Affirming our ability to understand the Unified Field and get to know the workings of the Universe, to create Spiritual Prosperity, is a worthy endeavor.

One discovery I loved from quantum physics was reported in Gary Zukav’s book, Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics. He relays to us a discovery made by theoretical physicist David Bohm, that the experimenter, or scientist, has an effect on the outcome of an experiment, even in double-blind cases.

This discovery excited me so much. Revolutionary. Our consciousness, as humanity, just expanded by leaps and bounds.

The theoretical physicists who wrote about the Unified Field also discovered that subatomic particles, before observation from the mind of the observer, were a wave, and when observed became a particle. Something material.

What a miracle.

Gary Zukav’s book is one of my favorites, synthesizing eastern and western philosophies and right and left brain theories with spiritual insight.

We are all right in the middle of the Unified Field and are a part of it. When you contemplate and feel the energy of each quality of it, your attention to it brings it into your experience. (See qualities in my last post here.)

My friend, Janette, and I love fairies. We see and feel them and know they are helping the Earth, Waters, Air and Fires. Not to mention plants, animals and those big, beautiful humans.

She and I pray together often. Each time I arrive at her door she enthusiastically says, “Fairies unite; fairies unite.” We do unite with their joy, songs and tea parties. We watch them help our flowers grow spectacularly. We continue to be amazed by their fun miracles.

Janette noticed one morning that the fairies had arranged dust, leaves and flower remnants on her car to make the photo above. I was amazed when she showed me, and at first I thought she had done them. Our very own “crop circles.” We have found over the years that fairies love to make us laugh. Enjoy discovering more and more your own magical miracles based in the spiritual and scientific discoveries of Love, the Unified Field.

You might be interested in a site I discovered today when I was looking up the spelling of David Bohm’s name:  brainpickings.org.