Tag Archives: Mountain Feed and Farm Supply

The Miracle of Honey Bees

You can look at life as though nothing is a miracle or that everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein

I choose that everything is a miracle.

In the three videos in this article it’s easy to see that honey bees are one of Mother Nature’s miracles.

The top video, thanks to CBS Sunday Morning, is our honey bees in Sunflowers moment of zen. 

Take the two minutes to hear their hum and see their work. Bees shouldn’t be able to fly. Their wings are so tiny and their bodies are so large.

We should thank them for their hard work for giving us about one quarter of all plant based farmed and wild products.

I have loved honey bees for as long as I can remember. 

I love their personal products: honey, bee pollen and propolis.

In all the years that I have been in gardens and near large groups of honey bees, I have only been stung once. I was riding my bicycle downhill and was singing at what a glorious day it was when a bee flew down my blouse and stung me. I laughed, and  it did bring my awareness back to pay attention as I was riding fast downhill. Thank you, dear bee.

I love the hum of bees. I find it comforting and healing.

I love fresh, raw golden honey. At our farmers market I have the chance to talk with the bee keepers. 

 They are aware to let the bees have a rest seasonally and are careful to give them half of their products for their hive and queen. So happy to see that carefulness for the hive.

This middle video speaks for Itself and is inspiring:

I love that you can see the sacred geometry of the honeycomb on the t-shirt she is wearing.

 Beeswax candles are my favorite. The fragrance is so fresh and calming.

The last video takes you to Conamara, Ireland.

I learned about Danu several years ago, and have been following her on YouTube ever since.

She is an Herbalist and Wise woman. She teaches courses on each and has a video every Sunday.

Recently she started bee keeping. You can learn the basics in this short video.

If you live near Santa Cruz, California, there are many resources and help for you to start your own hive. One I’m familiar with is “Mountain Feed and farm Supply” in Ben Lomond, California. Wonderful, helpful knowledgeable people are available with classes and supplies. They managed to stay open during the pandemic, fires and floods. 

Very impressive. 

I hope you might try a new adventure in bee keeping or using their organic golden honey or candles.