Tag Archives: john denver

Grandmother Earth

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin…” – William Shakespeare

I thank CBS Sunday Morning for giving us the lovely Nature videos.

I love standing barefoot on our Grandmother Earth. In a very short  time I feel more vitality and joy within me.

I also feel so much better when I’m taking a hot shower and just consciously let my worries and stress go down the drain. Water is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature gives to us.

Often these days my intuition says to me, “Just let go.” Return to the Love that You are.

I Love Eckhart Tolle’s teachings on the “Power of Now. ” When  I’m stressed I put my palm down over my heart and breathe deeply. I ask myself, “What thoughts do I want to bring into this Now?” Within a short time I’m back to Peace. 

Over the years I have asked myself, “Divine Love, what is my purpose?” I hear, “Remain calm; step into the Light.” After asking many times, over the years, I hear the same thing, so that is my purpose.  

I give that thought to You, today. These short videos in Mother Nature can help You, if You don’t have time to  walk in Nature. 

Just being receptive as you watch them, helps You imagine  that you are there, hearing the sounds and feeling the breeze on your cheeks. 

I have always loved Canada Geese. They always seem to bring me luck. I love the videographer here,  capturing their eyes and feeling their nobility. Their good parenting is transmitted. Thank you.

In the lower video the colors and tranquillity of the Smoky Mountains, somewhere I have wanted to visit, are available to Us. Deer have been one of my animal totems for many years. Their awareness, gentleness and beauty are unmatched in the animal kingdom.

I’m very grateful for the infinite variety, beauty and Healing power of Mother Nature. We are blessed beyond measure living on this Sweet Earth.

I love what John Denver said of one reason he loved Nature so much: “I love Mother Nature so much because she listens to me.”

Nature Always brings me to Peace, and helps me to “Remain Calm, and Step into the light.”

Love, Nina 


We are all transforming hour by hour into our Highest  Self.

Life on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama at this time is an amazing adventure that is not for the faint of heart when experienced in its fullness.

Grandmother Earth, Mother Nature, has everything we need for a healthy, happy and abundant Life.

Eckhart Tolle’s book Stillness Speaks has one of my favorite phrases, “Mother Nature, as it were, has been waiting for us for millions of years.” Now is our time. We can listen to Nature and be amazed, delighted, healed, inspired and Happy.

I chose the top video today from John Denver, because I have had similar experiences, like the one he sings about, driving down the California coast in Big Sur. I love his phrase that he caught this song, “Perhaps Love,” as it flew by him. That he had to catch it.

Our own creativity in song writing, baking, problem solving or Art can be like that. We have to catch it, because it is in our higher, illogical and/or Spiritual parts of ourselves.

The middle video demonstrates how John deeply and reverently loved Nature. Part of why he loves Mother Nature so much is it listens to him.

I have experienced  that truth  for myself. I will be walking and asking for the assurance that I’m on my right Spiritual path, and I will receive any number of signs that are meaningful to me. One of my totems is the mourning Dove. Often, right after I ask, one will fly right in front of me. Others are angel forms in the clouds, or the sun breaking through the clouds or a baby Moose appearing across the street. (Photo below.)

Mother Nature speaks and listens to us and Gives us abundance, peace and Life. Now is our turn to give back in ways that are meaningful and joyful for our own unique Beingness.

Wishing you wonderful nature walks, happy gardening and co-creating the life you love with your own High Self, friends, family and Mother Nature.

Baby Moose. Photo by Hana Cynkar.

Sunflowers – Part 2

Photo by Janette Nash

SYNCHRONICITY, my favorite. Synchronicity makes me smile. My friend Janette took the photos included. She told me that she and my sister, Charmaine, had been talking about Sunflowers last week, the day before my blog. I picked up their thoughts telepathically or in the ethers I Suppose, or from my high self who likes to surprise me with the knowing of the interconnectedness of us all.

Also, a few days after my last blog, Janette sent me these photos and mentioned that a lady in Hermosa Beach plants Sunflower seeds all over the town. They do well as they are wild flowers. Janette said that when she was a child, her mother helped her plant a hedge of Sunflowers and that they always make her happy.

Last week I included a quote from “Green Hope Farm Flower Essences” Venus Garden, Sunflower Spiral. Today the quote is from the Essence of the individual Sunflower, Helianthus:

“Sunflower knows that each of us is a manifestation of Divinity in physical form. It helps us to be a chalice of light.”

Photo by Janette Nash: A “wild” sunflower in Hermosa Beach, CA

Flower Essences are amazing to say the least. If you would like to discover them, call Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. The people there are happy to talk with you and answer your questions.

When I was about six years old, my Sunday School teacher taught us that a ray of sunlight is never separated from the Sun. She said we are like that with our Creator, Father, Mother, God. She said we can never be separated from God’s Love. Sunflowers, Including their leaves and stem, follow the sun from dawn until dusk. They gently keep turning their faces toward the Sun. If you sit very quietly next to one you may observe this. (Or you can view with time lapse photography.)

Sunflowers remind me of that idea. They spark my inner child to remember to create Goodness. That is why I included the video below. John Denver loved Nature so much. In an interview, he said Nature always inspired him because he felt Nature listened to him and gave him his songs.

I feel the same way. “Sunshine On My Shoulder,” a cloud, a tree, a flower, or a sunset can inspire me to know I’m part of the Divine, Grandmother Earth, Mother Nature, and all that is.