Tag Archives: Green Hope Farm Flower Essences

Flower Essences

Flowers are a bridge of love-light for me.

Many  years ago I asked Sananda, “What do I do that helps people?” I had been a professional sensitive, healing energy worker and channel, for several years and I was mystified by the process of distant healing. He said, “You are a bridge of love light.” So, that is how my blog got its name.

You are also a bridge of love-light whenever you smile at another. When you do what you love or just be, your presence radiates Love.

Sananda told me the healing and change on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama, would be grass roots– individuals like us. He said Grandmothers, who are the embodiment of Divine Love, Flowers and Children– including your inner child, who is innocent– are and will be the main healers of our Earth.

When I work with people in sessions, Sananda always starts with: “Every moment, every step you have taken, is exactly as it was meant to be.” 

Often it doesn’t seem that way to us because we haven’t seen  the higher perspective of what we have been learning.

Today is a new day, and we can choose learning in more gentle ways.

Flowers are my go-to for spiritual growth, peace, joy and  for a gentle way of changing to a higher vibration.

David Austin (English Roses) had  spent a lifetime learning and writing about roses. He has written many books, and when I read one of his several years ago, I was in awe that he could discover so much about the unique aspects of different roses. He has passed on, though his rose company in England is flourishing.

I Love Green Hope Farm. Their new collection of very special Rose essences is available now. Their staff is very happy to work with you to chose an essence that is just right for you and also to tell you how they work.

Flower essences are no less than magical.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth, tells us flowers have lived on our dear Earth-Mother for 114 million years. Flowers, with their unique experiences guided by their over-lighting Devas, have much to share.

From Green Hope Farm: “Roses are different. Roses come into incarnation in a vibration beyond duality, aligned only with their unified experience of self as Divinity. In this way they are both a glimpse of where we are going and footholds for us to rise up into our untarnished soul.” Copyright Molly Sheehan

An example of one (there are several more) rose essence from Green Hope Farm: FREEDOM- Golden Wings Rose.

Golden Wings Rose describes itself as a secret weapon that cuts us free of the binding of fear. Could there be any more helpful support as where there is fear there is no love.

Go online and discover their amazing website or call 603-469-3662. 

I feel you will discover a whole new world of Divine Mother Mystery in the form of flowers, in their essence.


This information is copyrighted all rights are reserved by the author. The intent of this information is educational only. It is not in any way a prescription for medical treatment. This information is given to help the reader in their quest for spiritual and emotional well-being. It is your constitutional right to use the information, though the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Sunflowers – Part 2

Photo by Janette Nash

SYNCHRONICITY, my favorite. Synchronicity makes me smile. My friend Janette took the photos included. She told me that she and my sister, Charmaine, had been talking about Sunflowers last week, the day before my blog. I picked up their thoughts telepathically or in the ethers I Suppose, or from my high self who likes to surprise me with the knowing of the interconnectedness of us all.

Also, a few days after my last blog, Janette sent me these photos and mentioned that a lady in Hermosa Beach plants Sunflower seeds all over the town. They do well as they are wild flowers. Janette said that when she was a child, her mother helped her plant a hedge of Sunflowers and that they always make her happy.

Last week I included a quote from “Green Hope Farm Flower Essences” Venus Garden, Sunflower Spiral. Today the quote is from the Essence of the individual Sunflower, Helianthus:

“Sunflower knows that each of us is a manifestation of Divinity in physical form. It helps us to be a chalice of light.”

Photo by Janette Nash: A “wild” sunflower in Hermosa Beach, CA

Flower Essences are amazing to say the least. If you would like to discover them, call Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. The people there are happy to talk with you and answer your questions.

When I was about six years old, my Sunday School teacher taught us that a ray of sunlight is never separated from the Sun. She said we are like that with our Creator, Father, Mother, God. She said we can never be separated from God’s Love. Sunflowers, Including their leaves and stem, follow the sun from dawn until dusk. They gently keep turning their faces toward the Sun. If you sit very quietly next to one you may observe this. (Or you can view with time lapse photography.)

Sunflowers remind me of that idea. They spark my inner child to remember to create Goodness. That is why I included the video below. John Denver loved Nature so much. In an interview, he said Nature always inspired him because he felt Nature listened to him and gave him his songs.

I feel the same way. “Sunshine On My Shoulder,” a cloud, a tree, a flower, or a sunset can inspire me to know I’m part of the Divine, Grandmother Earth, Mother Nature, and all that is.


I’ve always loved being aware of how the Universe of Love supports us.

One way that is magical and mystical is the phenomenon of SYNCHRONICITY.

Synchronicity partly works on the Law of Attraction and partly on the principle of Divine Mystery.

Our Angels, Guides and High Selves love to surprise us with the joy of SERENDIPITY, SYNERGY, SYNCHRONICITY, sacred SPIRAL and Sunflowers.

When I saw the Sunflowers and bees and heard the Meadow Larks in the short video above I felt the joy, and bridge of love light, that I wanted to share with you.

There are at least 60 varieties of sunflowers. They are a wildflower but do really well being cultivated. 

THE SERENDIPITY happened when I was looking for a book on Amazon the same day I saw the video and the amazing book below, Basilius Besler’s Florilegium: The Book of Plants: The Book of Plants – the Complete Plates, showed up with a drawing of a sunflower. The book is now on my wish list. It’s from the 1600s about an amazing garden in Germany that no longer exists, but the beautiful rendered drawings document it. 

I then thought, “Wow, I wonder what the Sunflower essence would help us with,” and looked it up in A Guide to Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. This account below tells of their 2001 Venus Garden. My favorite.

My friend Deborah and I had just this week been talking about the idea that spiritual  growth is a sacred spiral and this Sunflower Essence helps us with that.

“Sunflower, the one to have when you need to live like a super hero; a personal reminder of our divinity. Also, Sunflower Spiral (the way they were planted in the Venus Garden) Helps us feel grounded in our Divine light. Helps us to know who is there to support us and know whom we are there to support.

“Renews and encourages us when the going gets tough.”

The SYNERGY comes in when we eat them. 

Sunflower seeds are filled with nutrition, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Birds love them, and the sunflower seeds in commercial bird feeds fall to the ground and often result in a surprise flower.

The chart below shows the nutrients that we often don’t find in our usual diet.


These little seeds are often forgotten on my grocery list, though now they will be at the top of it.


Photo by Nina Wilkins. Hand blown glass flower and vase. Tortoise made with all shells except for his spectacles.

Gardens have been my “go to” for peace, inspiration, hope and clarity for many decades.

The flowers, herbs, trees, shrubs and breezes have never failed me.

Sitting on a bench in a park, garden or forest I feel the presence of the Divine.

It doesn’t take long until I remember the part of our Lord’s Prayer that says “give us this day, our daily bread.” I remember the power of Now and feel and know that whatever I need for this day is at hand. Whatever I need to do this day, my intuition will guide me to do or be.

As soon as I feel that peace, I get up and start my day.

Today I’m sharing a tiny glass flower and vase that my sister, Charmaine, gave me. 

Whenever I’m not able to get to a garden, I go into my imagination or tune into the flowers in my room.

Another way I love flowers is through flower essences, books, herbs, and essential oils.

One of my favorite books is Magic Gardens, by Corinne Heline (copyright 1944). In it, she says:

“In Flowerland the whispers of heaven may become audible to the children of men; for the celestial hosts, too, have a way of ‘saying it with flowers.'”

She goes to quote this poem:

A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot!
Rose plot,
Fringed pool,
Ferned grot–
The veriest school
Of peace; and yet the fool
Contends that God is not–
Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool?
Nay, but I have a sign;
‘Tis very sure God walks in mine.
– Thomas Edward Brown

This book describes some of  the essences of flowers that Dr. Bach discovered as healing remedies.

A modern day company that makes “flower essences” is Green Hope Farm Flower Essences.

I have used many of their essences over the years. They capture the consciousness of the flowers and put it in bottles preserved with shiso, a type of vinegar,  rather than alcohol. 

Very magical. They have made essences from flowers all over the world.

Since the practitioners tune into the consciousness of the flower, you may also receive benefits by reading the descriptions on their website. I particularly love the “Venus Garden” and the “Irish  collection.”

One thing flowers thrive on is Appreciation. Try standing next to a flower you love and tell it how beautiful it is.  Maybe say you love its color, shape and fragrance, or just send it love and thanks from your heart. You wIll have made its day. The joy will spill right over into your day.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flower essences, summary and easy procedure (video) to create your own

I first began writing my blog in 2010 as backup material and handouts for classes I was teaching. Since glorious Spring has arrived I wanted to republish one of my favorites. This one was first published April 13, 2011.

You may want to try making your own flower essences. 

I love Green Hope Farm Essences. They have a wide variety. I have enjoyed their Irish Collection very much. As you browse their website, the write-ups for each flower are so in-depth and spiritual that just reading about each flower starts your appreciation of  what they have to share with you.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth: Awakening to your Life’s Purpose, teaches us that:

“Earth, 114 million years ago, one morning just after sunrise: The first flower ever to appear on the planet opens up to receive the rays of the sun.”

“Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature.”

Sananda has told me many times that beauty contains truth. Also that when we are vibrating at our Love Nature, we can appreciate beauty and crave to have beauty in our lives.

Flowers have learned a lot in 114 million years of how to live and thrive on Earth.

They have an infinite amount of wisdom to share with us.

As we have learned “Quite simply put flowers heal,”  Dr. Edward Bach.

(Please note:  This article is not intended as Medical Advice, please consult with your health care professional for your specific concern.  This information IS concerned with helping you to experience more well-being, less stress, more consciousness, and more well-ness.)

This article (with some expansion to it) has been taken from the book, “The How and Why of Flower Essences,” by Nina Lee Wilkins copyright 2011.

The single video above shows in a very simple way how to make your own flower essences.  Why bother?

“Every flower bears a starry imprint.”  Paracelsus

Many subtle things happen for you while making and using flower essences.  Flowers represent the Divine Mystery of LOVE.  You may have heard the expression: God laughs in flowers.  Also one of my favorites that has been seen posted in many a garden public and private:

The Lord God planted a garden

In the first white days of the world,

And He set there an angel warden

In a garment of light unfurled.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,

The song of the birds for mirth,

One is nearer God’s heart in a garden

Than anywhere else on earth.

–Dorothy Frances Gurney in “Magic Gardens” by Corinne Heline, New Age Press 1944

A metaphysical principle states that all thought is creative.  Take that one step further with the principle that we can only think one thought at a time.  Next, God’s thoughts are real and eternal and are love.  Flowers bring us in tune with this reality as they are from the light.  As you stand still and look to the top or sides of a flower, softly focusing your attention, you may observe this light or aura.

When we work with flower essences we are working with God’s thoughts in spirit, manifested in form here in the physical.  Another way of saying this is that flowers are a manifestation of the light or angelic kingdoms.  We can think of flowers as angels manifest.

Another metaphysical principal we are working with is that God is all Good.  God has created every living thing as a unique manifestation, whether it is a snowflake, bird, or human.  Each is unique in some way.  Flowers are like that.  Each has its own vibrational signature even within its own species.  Roses have unique qualities such as peace and harmony within the same type of plant.  Because of these principles and unique mysterious qualities of the Divine we can tap into the subtle vibrations of a plant and bring that quality to our own being and consciousness.  As we do this we are lifted above the thought-form that caused our distress.

Because we can only think one thought at a time, and because we are connected with all that is, nature, God, and the universe we can utilize the vibration and light of the flower to join with our light and beingness and raise our frequencies.  In doing so we may harmonize our emotional body, which releases any energy that is not of a high vibration such as fear (stress), anxiety etc. which we know, over time, does not bring our birthright of Health.

Rock Rose

Flower essences work on our subtle bodies.  In knowing and believing that we have subtle bodies a whole new world is opened up to us.  We can hold our thought on the beauty, fragrance, shape, and essence of a flower and in that way prepare for what it has to give us. We can also use prepared flower essences that carry the signature vibration, or essence of the flower, shrub, or tree.   Flowers, like people, live for appreciation.  As you stand and appreciate a flower you may see its petals turn toward you.   As you are in the state of appreciation you are in the same vibraton as love and you are in tune with the Divine Mystery.  As you “tune in” to the flower you may begin the process of your own Divine inspiration.  This in and of itself is very uplifting.  We already know that as we uplift ourselves we begin attacting more of the same qualities.  Start observing which flower you are attracted to.  That flower has a gift for you.

Another aspect of flower essences is the fact that we are literally sending a telegraphic message to the Angelic kingdom that says, “help! I’m asking for one or several of your light qualities to help me balance my emotions, thoughts, attitudes to harmony, love, and joy.  Thank you.  Would you share your essence with me for that purpose?”  Angels and flowers prefer to be asked for specific help.  They do not interfere with you or your Divine Free Will but “live” to help humanity at their request.

Yellow Rose

I hope you will consider these thoughts and try them out.  One of the things I love about working with flowers is how fun it is to discover the many mysteries of their world.  I always feel more joy and delight after working with them.  Being in nature of itself is uplifting, and discovering the infinite ways God’s love is given to us makes it even more worthwhile.  So, have fun experimenting with making your own flower essences or just plant a garden and sit quietly in it often.  Much love to you, Nina

*Originally published April 13, 2011


Porcupine on Teton River – Photo by Hana Cynkar

One of my personal bridges of love light that never fails me is Mother Nature.

The infinite variety of life here on Grandmother Earth provides unlimited opportunities for joy, discovery, healing and wonder.

I can be feeling “blue,” as my mom used to call sadness, and a few minutes being with the spirit of nature brings me back to Joy.

We are made out of Love, which contains joy. 

My intention for our new year of 2022 is to cultivate more Joy for myself and others.

The photo above is of a porcupine in the grass, which perfectly camouflages it. My friend once taught me that if you want to spot wildlife, hold a focus toward the horizon and look for movement. That really works. I’m always elated when I can spot a deer or even tiny critters in the wild.

The Diamond light sparkles on the water always bring me joy also.

The bottom photo is of another Joy producer for me, flowers. 

For your 2022, you may want to cultivate more joy in your life. Joy helps your body be its healthiest. Joy opens up our creativity. Joy emanates from us to spread happiness to others. Joy inspires.

The following are resources that have helped me cultivate more Joy in my life:

Donna Eden’s “Radiant Circuit” online course and 10 minute energy routine.

All of Eckhart Tolle’s books and online courses.

Green Hope Farm, flower essences and website.

Mission: JOY, Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.

The Elemental Kingdom, The Spirit of Mother Nature, Earth, Air, Water, Fire.

The Animal and Plant Kingdoms.

Singing “LuLaLuLaLi. Love, Peace, Harmony and Joy.”

Dr. & Master Sha’s  books and website.

We are all unique in the Universe. Cultivating your very own Joy space is well worth your time and effort.

Photo by Nina Wilkins


Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flowers never fail to uplift me. Their colors, shapes, fragrance, beauty, intricate geometries and patterns, and feeling tones are miraculous.

Flowers first appeared on Earth 114 million years ago (from A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle).

That was a huge shift in consciousness for the plant kingdom.

Humanity is undergoing that same blossoming of consciousness as we speak.

The shift contains many qualities for all of humanity such as Unity, Oneness with all life, Creativity, Prosperity for all, care for Mother Nature, and Love, Love and More Love– to name a few. A giant leap in consciousness is here for all of us Now.

Flowers are wonderful Spirit guides. They have learned a lot in 114 million years.

Their wisdom is shared in many ways. In our gardens through their presence, which is one of their most amazing ways; by being themselves.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Another way is through their essence: their spiritual pattern of learning that they share. 

I have used flower essences for years. Each time I do, I’m amazed at their magical qualities of transformation.

One of my favorite companies to purchase them from is Green Hope Farm in New Hampshire.

They have collections from many parts of the world. Just visiting their website is uplifting in itself. As you read the descriptions of each flower it is plain to see that each individual flower brings a unique conscious and spiritual connection to Grandmother Earth.

If you haven’t used flower essences before, the people at Green Hope Farm are more than happy to help you chose ones that will serve you. They also have essences for pets and children. 

The photographs of flowers I chose for today are for their beauty, colors and amazing shapes. I took the photos  yesterday at our local nursery, just for the fun of it.

Flowers have helped me the most over the years by teaching me Presence. Sitting quietly in a garden, allowing my own spiritual presence to emerge, has helped my well being, peace, joy and creativity. Seeing fairies and nature spirits has been an added bonus to know myself as a Divine creation– just like flowers.

 A perfect peony. Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flower Essences

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flowers, Gardens and Flower Essences have always been some of my favorite bridges of love light. Whether I’m in very intense circumstances or just a slight melancholy mood they have never failed to uplift me. I have written extensively about their inspirational and uplifting properties in this blog.  Today I will expand upon those.

I first was aware of the Scarlet Pimpernel when I was nine years old. I was helping my Mom weed our garden and she was pulling out heaps of Scarlet Pimpernels. At the time, I didn’t know their name, and neither did she. I said, “Mom, these are so pretty. They don’t look like weeds.” “No, they are weeds.”

I was looking closely at them with their delicate color and sweet shape. I couldn’t really believe they were weeds, and felt a little sad seeing them piled up and then tossed in the garbage can. The other sad part was we just left plain dirt in that spot and didn’t plant more flowers. It was about 50 years later that I discovered their name and very real significance in my life.

These little flowers, which are called the wayside flowers or “weather glass” in the United Kingdom, would become my guide and teacher over many years. They are called the “Weather Glass” because when they are open, a sunny day; closed, rain or fog. Their presence has had such a positive and helpful effect on my personal, spiritual life that I have decided to write a book about them.

I will be excerpting portions of this book over the next few months: Sananda’s Flower, The Scarlet Pimpernel. Seeing the great in the small and the small in the great. Copyright 2021, by Nina Lee Wilkins.

Scarlet Pimpernels. Photo by Nina Wilkins

Today I hope you will receive an uplift as I have from the Photographs of these Flowers. The “Scarlets,” as I like to call them, are in the photo above.

Over the years, I have used and discovered many flower essence companies. Bach Flower Essences, the leader, and several others. I have looked for a company that has made “Scarlet Pimpernel” essences and just found one a few months ago; Green Hope Farm. I ordered the Scarlet Pimpernel from Ireland, delightful, and one from Italy. I love them both; such a discovery and surprise after all these years. I have made my own, also, which always gives me joy.

Green Hope Farm is a treasure if you are new at using flower essences or have tried many other companies. Either way, these are the highest frequencies I have discovered so far.

I receive benefits just by reading their descriptions on their website.

Whether looking at photos of flowers with their amazing ethereal colors, using flower essences or using essential oils as aroma therapy or skin conditioner, or sitting next to them in your garden, flowers are my favorite bridges of love light. Don’t forget, flowers live for appreciation. As you tell them how much you appreciate them you may even even see them nod or turn their  head towards you. Sananda has told me often that they are helping heal Grandmother Earth and Mother Nature, including us.

Gerbera Daisy. Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flower Essences

Photo by Nina Wilkins

I’m writing again today about one of my favorite bridges of love light, Flowers.

I love flowers.

Our dear beauties didn’t appear on Mother Earth until 114 million years ago. Given the Geologic time scale of several Billion years, that is fairly recent. Eckhart Tolle in his book, A New Earth, mentions that flowers are the key to enlightenment.

Gardens have always helped me, over my lifetime, to hear my spiritual guidance, find peace and get a clear direction for solving my problems.

I’m grateful to Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. A friend recommended them to me a few weeks ago. I’m so happy to receive Molly Sheehan’s understanding of how flower essences help us, our pets and our plants. Ultimately they help the “whole,” as we are all connected. If you would like to explore their benefits, their website contains a wealth of information on how they work and which ones to choose for YOU.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flowers have worked through many life problems in the last 114 million years, and they contain their patterns of wisdom in their essence.

For the Cosmic moment we are currently in, on our dear Mother Gaia, Green Hope Farm, has created several essences from their Venus Garden for 2019. The one I’m choosing is “Upwards and Onwards.”

My mom used the expression “Onwards and Upwards” often when I was growing up. I always thought that uplifting. Now we are in the Golden Age of Aquarius, so Upwards, first in our consciousness, and then Onwards in our actions, is more appropriate and powerful.

This is one part of how Molly describes this essence: “The heart of the garden was Mehera Marigolds for Love of Divinity. There were Bells of Ireland to help us anchor within us the highest vibration possible, Cosmos so we can live and speak from the heart and Sweet Alyssum so we can be our most evolved self in physical form. Sacred Tobacco and other Nicotianas were there to help us purify and let go of the things we thought were our real identity but which tied us to the illusions of small self and stopped us from knowing our true self in Oneness.”

She writes more about this essence, and many others from that garden on her website. Wonderful.

The photos of the flowers today are from my neighborhood. My friend used to always put nasturtiums from her garden on top of her salads. They taste a little bit like watercress and are so pretty.

Flowers are always helping us whether in our gardens, in our homes, in essential oils and aroma therapy, as food or in especially created essences. As in the top line from this blog,
The Earth will be healed by Grandmothers, Flowers and our Child within who is innocent, as flowers bring us enlightenment.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flower Essences and Transformation

Santa Barbara Daisy. Photo by Nina Wilkins

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” —John Muir

I love to find things in nature that demonstrate transformation from one form to another. An egg, to a caterpillar, to a chrysalis, then butterfly are familiar ones. Another favorite is tadpoles to frogs. A caterpillar walking on the ground and then flying is very dramatic. The little swimming tadpole is then jumping and swimming. The frog has a life on land and in the water with quite a loud voice. I love the infinite variety of forms in nature.

A flower that shows that transformation is the Santa Barbara Daisy in the photo above.
These little flowers start out as the tiny pinkish-purple flowers and as they grow turn white.
You can see these flowers growing profusely along the California coast. Whenever I would take a walk in Carmel and see them, somehow my spirits would be lifted. Even though small, they radiate joy.

In Who named the Daisy? Who named the Rose? A Roving Dictionary of North American Wild Flowers, by Mary Durant, we find that the Santa Barbara Daisy is the “days Eye,” named by the Anglo-Saxons, and is the English Daisy. It closes at night and then opens at sunrise, so it is the eye of the day. It comes to us from England and is also called the White Weed and May Weed.

A few years ago, when I was teaching classes about making flower essences, I chose this little flower though time constraints left that one undone.

I love synchronicity and flower essences. Recently these combined when a dear friend of mine recommended Green Hope Farm Flower Essences to me. I chose Sea Mayweed, from Ireland, to order not realizing it was the Santa Barbara Daisy. One thing I love about this company is that Molly Sheehan gives extensive written descriptions of what the flower and its elemental can give to you. For Sea Mayweed she writes: “I help you center in your own power and Destiny. I am the balanced and full use of my third chakra’s strengths.” This is very close to what I had written about the Santa Barbara Daisy’s essence several years ago.

I just received my order from Green Hope Farm yesterday, and this new discovery has made me so happy. Everything in Divine right timing, as this company has been around for more than 30 years. I have used many other companies’ essences over the years and they have always helped me. This company is a treasure, and I will continue to learn from them. They are based in New Hampshire, though they sell flower essences from all over the world.

This company has made many essences to help us through our own transformations in these times. I feel they are very effective, though I have yet to try the new ones: “A Tool Box For a New Earth. Green Hope Farm Flower Essences from the 2019 growing season.” There are 12 essences in this collection. I’m going to try Bears Breeches, “Stability in the void between the collapse of old structures and the birth of the new, support as we create new structures for a New Earth.” I hope you will check them out.

Many years ago, Sananda told me that flowers are some of the strongest and wisest beings on Earth and a definite bridge of love light. You might want to discover and make your own. (Instructional video in a previous blog.)