Tag Archives: Eckhart Tolle

Flower Essences

Flowers are a bridge of love-light for me.

Many  years ago I asked Sananda, “What do I do that helps people?” I had been a professional sensitive, healing energy worker and channel, for several years and I was mystified by the process of distant healing. He said, “You are a bridge of love light.” So, that is how my blog got its name.

You are also a bridge of love-light whenever you smile at another. When you do what you love or just be, your presence radiates Love.

Sananda told me the healing and change on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama, would be grass roots– individuals like us. He said Grandmothers, who are the embodiment of Divine Love, Flowers and Children– including your inner child, who is innocent– are and will be the main healers of our Earth.

When I work with people in sessions, Sananda always starts with: “Every moment, every step you have taken, is exactly as it was meant to be.” 

Often it doesn’t seem that way to us because we haven’t seen  the higher perspective of what we have been learning.

Today is a new day, and we can choose learning in more gentle ways.

Flowers are my go-to for spiritual growth, peace, joy and  for a gentle way of changing to a higher vibration.

David Austin (English Roses) had  spent a lifetime learning and writing about roses. He has written many books, and when I read one of his several years ago, I was in awe that he could discover so much about the unique aspects of different roses. He has passed on, though his rose company in England is flourishing.

I Love Green Hope Farm. Their new collection of very special Rose essences is available now. Their staff is very happy to work with you to chose an essence that is just right for you and also to tell you how they work.

Flower essences are no less than magical.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth, tells us flowers have lived on our dear Earth-Mother for 114 million years. Flowers, with their unique experiences guided by their over-lighting Devas, have much to share.

From Green Hope Farm: “Roses are different. Roses come into incarnation in a vibration beyond duality, aligned only with their unified experience of self as Divinity. In this way they are both a glimpse of where we are going and footholds for us to rise up into our untarnished soul.” Copyright Molly Sheehan

An example of one (there are several more) rose essence from Green Hope Farm: FREEDOM- Golden Wings Rose.

Golden Wings Rose describes itself as a secret weapon that cuts us free of the binding of fear. Could there be any more helpful support as where there is fear there is no love.

Go online and discover their amazing website or call 603-469-3662. 

I feel you will discover a whole new world of Divine Mother Mystery in the form of flowers, in their essence.


This information is copyrighted all rights are reserved by the author. The intent of this information is educational only. It is not in any way a prescription for medical treatment. This information is given to help the reader in their quest for spiritual and emotional well-being. It is your constitutional right to use the information, though the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Grandmother Earth

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin…” – William Shakespeare

I thank CBS Sunday Morning for giving us the lovely Nature videos.

I love standing barefoot on our Grandmother Earth. In a very short  time I feel more vitality and joy within me.

I also feel so much better when I’m taking a hot shower and just consciously let my worries and stress go down the drain. Water is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature gives to us.

Often these days my intuition says to me, “Just let go.” Return to the Love that You are.

I Love Eckhart Tolle’s teachings on the “Power of Now. ” When  I’m stressed I put my palm down over my heart and breathe deeply. I ask myself, “What thoughts do I want to bring into this Now?” Within a short time I’m back to Peace. 

Over the years I have asked myself, “Divine Love, what is my purpose?” I hear, “Remain calm; step into the Light.” After asking many times, over the years, I hear the same thing, so that is my purpose.  

I give that thought to You, today. These short videos in Mother Nature can help You, if You don’t have time to  walk in Nature. 

Just being receptive as you watch them, helps You imagine  that you are there, hearing the sounds and feeling the breeze on your cheeks. 

I have always loved Canada Geese. They always seem to bring me luck. I love the videographer here,  capturing their eyes and feeling their nobility. Their good parenting is transmitted. Thank you.

In the lower video the colors and tranquillity of the Smoky Mountains, somewhere I have wanted to visit, are available to Us. Deer have been one of my animal totems for many years. Their awareness, gentleness and beauty are unmatched in the animal kingdom.

I’m very grateful for the infinite variety, beauty and Healing power of Mother Nature. We are blessed beyond measure living on this Sweet Earth.

I love what John Denver said of one reason he loved Nature so much: “I love Mother Nature so much because she listens to me.”

Nature Always brings me to Peace, and helps me to “Remain Calm, and Step into the light.”

Love, Nina 


We are all transforming hour by hour into our Highest  Self.

Life on Grandmother Earth, Gaia, Patchamama at this time is an amazing adventure that is not for the faint of heart when experienced in its fullness.

Grandmother Earth, Mother Nature, has everything we need for a healthy, happy and abundant Life.

Eckhart Tolle’s book Stillness Speaks has one of my favorite phrases, “Mother Nature, as it were, has been waiting for us for millions of years.” Now is our time. We can listen to Nature and be amazed, delighted, healed, inspired and Happy.

I chose the top video today from John Denver, because I have had similar experiences, like the one he sings about, driving down the California coast in Big Sur. I love his phrase that he caught this song, “Perhaps Love,” as it flew by him. That he had to catch it.

Our own creativity in song writing, baking, problem solving or Art can be like that. We have to catch it, because it is in our higher, illogical and/or Spiritual parts of ourselves.

The middle video demonstrates how John deeply and reverently loved Nature. Part of why he loves Mother Nature so much is it listens to him.

I have experienced  that truth  for myself. I will be walking and asking for the assurance that I’m on my right Spiritual path, and I will receive any number of signs that are meaningful to me. One of my totems is the mourning Dove. Often, right after I ask, one will fly right in front of me. Others are angel forms in the clouds, or the sun breaking through the clouds or a baby Moose appearing across the street. (Photo below.)

Mother Nature speaks and listens to us and Gives us abundance, peace and Life. Now is our turn to give back in ways that are meaningful and joyful for our own unique Beingness.

Wishing you wonderful nature walks, happy gardening and co-creating the life you love with your own High Self, friends, family and Mother Nature.

Baby Moose. Photo by Hana Cynkar.

Flower essences, summary and easy procedure (video) to create your own

I first began writing my blog in 2010 as backup material and handouts for classes I was teaching. Since glorious Spring has arrived I wanted to republish one of my favorites. This one was first published April 13, 2011.

You may want to try making your own flower essences. 

I love Green Hope Farm Essences. They have a wide variety. I have enjoyed their Irish Collection very much. As you browse their website, the write-ups for each flower are so in-depth and spiritual that just reading about each flower starts your appreciation of  what they have to share with you.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth: Awakening to your Life’s Purpose, teaches us that:

“Earth, 114 million years ago, one morning just after sunrise: The first flower ever to appear on the planet opens up to receive the rays of the sun.”

“Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature.”

Sananda has told me many times that beauty contains truth. Also that when we are vibrating at our Love Nature, we can appreciate beauty and crave to have beauty in our lives.

Flowers have learned a lot in 114 million years of how to live and thrive on Earth.

They have an infinite amount of wisdom to share with us.

As we have learned “Quite simply put flowers heal,”  Dr. Edward Bach.

(Please note:  This article is not intended as Medical Advice, please consult with your health care professional for your specific concern.  This information IS concerned with helping you to experience more well-being, less stress, more consciousness, and more well-ness.)

This article (with some expansion to it) has been taken from the book, “The How and Why of Flower Essences,” by Nina Lee Wilkins copyright 2011.

The single video above shows in a very simple way how to make your own flower essences.  Why bother?

“Every flower bears a starry imprint.”  Paracelsus

Many subtle things happen for you while making and using flower essences.  Flowers represent the Divine Mystery of LOVE.  You may have heard the expression: God laughs in flowers.  Also one of my favorites that has been seen posted in many a garden public and private:

The Lord God planted a garden

In the first white days of the world,

And He set there an angel warden

In a garment of light unfurled.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,

The song of the birds for mirth,

One is nearer God’s heart in a garden

Than anywhere else on earth.

–Dorothy Frances Gurney in “Magic Gardens” by Corinne Heline, New Age Press 1944

A metaphysical principle states that all thought is creative.  Take that one step further with the principle that we can only think one thought at a time.  Next, God’s thoughts are real and eternal and are love.  Flowers bring us in tune with this reality as they are from the light.  As you stand still and look to the top or sides of a flower, softly focusing your attention, you may observe this light or aura.

When we work with flower essences we are working with God’s thoughts in spirit, manifested in form here in the physical.  Another way of saying this is that flowers are a manifestation of the light or angelic kingdoms.  We can think of flowers as angels manifest.

Another metaphysical principal we are working with is that God is all Good.  God has created every living thing as a unique manifestation, whether it is a snowflake, bird, or human.  Each is unique in some way.  Flowers are like that.  Each has its own vibrational signature even within its own species.  Roses have unique qualities such as peace and harmony within the same type of plant.  Because of these principles and unique mysterious qualities of the Divine we can tap into the subtle vibrations of a plant and bring that quality to our own being and consciousness.  As we do this we are lifted above the thought-form that caused our distress.

Because we can only think one thought at a time, and because we are connected with all that is, nature, God, and the universe we can utilize the vibration and light of the flower to join with our light and beingness and raise our frequencies.  In doing so we may harmonize our emotional body, which releases any energy that is not of a high vibration such as fear (stress), anxiety etc. which we know, over time, does not bring our birthright of Health.

Rock Rose

Flower essences work on our subtle bodies.  In knowing and believing that we have subtle bodies a whole new world is opened up to us.  We can hold our thought on the beauty, fragrance, shape, and essence of a flower and in that way prepare for what it has to give us. We can also use prepared flower essences that carry the signature vibration, or essence of the flower, shrub, or tree.   Flowers, like people, live for appreciation.  As you stand and appreciate a flower you may see its petals turn toward you.   As you are in the state of appreciation you are in the same vibraton as love and you are in tune with the Divine Mystery.  As you “tune in” to the flower you may begin the process of your own Divine inspiration.  This in and of itself is very uplifting.  We already know that as we uplift ourselves we begin attacting more of the same qualities.  Start observing which flower you are attracted to.  That flower has a gift for you.

Another aspect of flower essences is the fact that we are literally sending a telegraphic message to the Angelic kingdom that says, “help! I’m asking for one or several of your light qualities to help me balance my emotions, thoughts, attitudes to harmony, love, and joy.  Thank you.  Would you share your essence with me for that purpose?”  Angels and flowers prefer to be asked for specific help.  They do not interfere with you or your Divine Free Will but “live” to help humanity at their request.

Yellow Rose

I hope you will consider these thoughts and try them out.  One of the things I love about working with flowers is how fun it is to discover the many mysteries of their world.  I always feel more joy and delight after working with them.  Being in nature of itself is uplifting, and discovering the infinite ways God’s love is given to us makes it even more worthwhile.  So, have fun experimenting with making your own flower essences or just plant a garden and sit quietly in it often.  Much love to you, Nina

*Originally published April 13, 2011


Porcupine on Teton River – Photo by Hana Cynkar

One of my personal bridges of love light that never fails me is Mother Nature.

The infinite variety of life here on Grandmother Earth provides unlimited opportunities for joy, discovery, healing and wonder.

I can be feeling “blue,” as my mom used to call sadness, and a few minutes being with the spirit of nature brings me back to Joy.

We are made out of Love, which contains joy. 

My intention for our new year of 2022 is to cultivate more Joy for myself and others.

The photo above is of a porcupine in the grass, which perfectly camouflages it. My friend once taught me that if you want to spot wildlife, hold a focus toward the horizon and look for movement. That really works. I’m always elated when I can spot a deer or even tiny critters in the wild.

The Diamond light sparkles on the water always bring me joy also.

The bottom photo is of another Joy producer for me, flowers. 

For your 2022, you may want to cultivate more joy in your life. Joy helps your body be its healthiest. Joy opens up our creativity. Joy emanates from us to spread happiness to others. Joy inspires.

The following are resources that have helped me cultivate more Joy in my life:

Donna Eden’s “Radiant Circuit” online course and 10 minute energy routine.

All of Eckhart Tolle’s books and online courses.

Green Hope Farm, flower essences and website.

Mission: JOY, Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.

The Elemental Kingdom, The Spirit of Mother Nature, Earth, Air, Water, Fire.

The Animal and Plant Kingdoms.

Singing “LuLaLuLaLi. Love, Peace, Harmony and Joy.”

Dr. & Master Sha’s  books and website.

We are all unique in the Universe. Cultivating your very own Joy space is well worth your time and effort.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Mother Nature Is Now

The Aquarian Age quality of NOW, is easily brought to us by being in Mother Nature.

The YouTube videos for today contain the sounds, colors, beauty and creatures of our amazing Planet. They encourage and inspire us to go out and be in Nature so we can feel and experience the Elemental Kingdoms firsthand.

Now is not a measure of time. It is an awareness of Divine Presence that wells up within us when we are conscious and present.

When we are unconscious our mind often jumps to past or future thinking.

We create our future by BEING conscious and aware in this moment.  We drop into the “Deep  I,” as Eckhart Tolle calls our presence.

Today, if you wish, you can use these short videos to point to your own still, small voice. The sounds and beauty of nature remind us of our own connections to all that is. Our own amazing and miraculous planet that is our home enlivens our being.

In this state of reverence and appreciation we open to our creativity.

Joy easily comes to us. Love and creativity are our true nature. 

With these qualities at hand and recognized, the scones we bake are heavenly and very nutritious. The sweater we knit has a warmth and glow within it. The letter we write to a friend has a healing and nurturing quality to it. We may just be inspired to write a book or paint a sunset.  

Our lives become radiant and express LOVE.

Mother Nature, Now and Our New Earth

Photo by Nina Wilkins. My Nature guides: Scarlet Pimpernels

I love books.

Books have been my teachers, friends and healers since I was nine years old.

Our Aquarian Age, that we have entered, includes several main qualities that will hold us in very new frequencies as a Unified consciousness: Mother Nature, Now, and a New Earth are among them.

For your summer reading, and for me, my ongoing reading, I have included my favorite of  Eckhart Tolle’s powerful books that are about these three qualities: Stillness Speaks, The Power of Now and A New Earth. Each teaches us that we have a deep connection to our unique selves that can be easily reached and discovered simply by being in the Now, stillness and breathing. BEING.

Each book has its own special teachings.

Over my own conscious spiritual journey I have discovered many spirit guides who have taught me “to be still and know that I am God.”

The Now helps us connect deeply with Presence, which brings us joy, wisdom and peace.

I have used each of these books, over the years as inspirational guides and teachers.

The first, Stillness Speaks, contains one of my favorite ideas: “Nature can bring you to stillness. That is its gift to you. When you perceive and join with nature in the field of stillness, that field becomes permeated with your awareness. That is your gift to nature.

“Through you Nature becomes aware of itself. Nature has been waiting for you, as it were, for millions of years.”

Next is The Power of Now. This is a spiritual guide and course. The Now contains our freedom and joy. Our true being.

Eckhart’s  A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, teaches us how to transcend our ego-based state of consciousness. We increase our happiness and help awakening humanity to be fully present. Being conscious allows us the knowingness that we are all One and are connected to ALL that is.

I’m sure if you decide to jump into any or all of these books they will take you well into the Fall, or Winter, Spring, or maybe back to Summer again.

Happy reading and experiencing the joy of being in the Now.

Contemplate Being. Photo by Nina Wilkins


Photo by Nina Wilkins

Flowers never fail to uplift me. Their colors, shapes, fragrance, beauty, intricate geometries and patterns, and feeling tones are miraculous.

Flowers first appeared on Earth 114 million years ago (from A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle).

That was a huge shift in consciousness for the plant kingdom.

Humanity is undergoing that same blossoming of consciousness as we speak.

The shift contains many qualities for all of humanity such as Unity, Oneness with all life, Creativity, Prosperity for all, care for Mother Nature, and Love, Love and More Love– to name a few. A giant leap in consciousness is here for all of us Now.

Flowers are wonderful Spirit guides. They have learned a lot in 114 million years.

Their wisdom is shared in many ways. In our gardens through their presence, which is one of their most amazing ways; by being themselves.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Another way is through their essence: their spiritual pattern of learning that they share. 

I have used flower essences for years. Each time I do, I’m amazed at their magical qualities of transformation.

One of my favorite companies to purchase them from is Green Hope Farm in New Hampshire.

They have collections from many parts of the world. Just visiting their website is uplifting in itself. As you read the descriptions of each flower it is plain to see that each individual flower brings a unique conscious and spiritual connection to Grandmother Earth.

If you haven’t used flower essences before, the people at Green Hope Farm are more than happy to help you chose ones that will serve you. They also have essences for pets and children. 

The photographs of flowers I chose for today are for their beauty, colors and amazing shapes. I took the photos  yesterday at our local nursery, just for the fun of it.

Flowers have helped me the most over the years by teaching me Presence. Sitting quietly in a garden, allowing my own spiritual presence to emerge, has helped my well being, peace, joy and creativity. Seeing fairies and nature spirits has been an added bonus to know myself as a Divine creation– just like flowers.

 A perfect peony. Photo by Nina Wilkins


“Originality consists in returning to the origin.” —Antoni Gaudi

“Now is a concept whose time has come.” —Nina Wilkins

Fairy flower. Photo by Nina Wilkins

In the now your presence can well up and you can own what you have won–  your true beingness from which everything springs.

You have won that very unique present, you.

If you don’t experience that precious present of your Divine self you are covered over by time, as Eckhart Tolle teaches us. You are thinking about past or future.

Over the ages spiritual teachers of many denominations or philosophies have taught us about being in the present. Master Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day.”

Joel Goldsmith, “The Infinite Way,” has taught us to practice the presence which wells up in the now.

Monks chant “Om na ma shiva ya” to focus their spirit to be aligned with the Divine Now.

Meditation allows for the quieting of the mind, and the Presence within comes to light with joy and peace, now.

Walking slowly and quietly in nature brings you to the Now with the all, Oneness. Listening and watching brings you to this level of consciousness when you are present. 

Angels sing praises to the Divine constantly.  No room for anything but gratitude.

In Nature, the tiniest flower seed grows in the dark ever so slowly pushing through the heavy dark earth, moment by moment, Now.

If you would like to experience this level of consciousness, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is the best guide I can imagine– truly uplifting and transformative. Also, his books Stillness Speaks and A New Earth will point you in the direction of experiencing your Being within.

A fun synchronicity for me is one of the accolades given to The Power of Now. “The most important book in a spiritual life written in the last decade.” —Thunderbird Bookshop, Carmel, California. This was one of my favorite spots to go in the 1980s and 90s, though it closed I believe in 2002. 

From the first page of The Power of Now:

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!” —Eckhart Tolle


I have always loved helping my friends and family realize their dreams. I’ve found it to be very fun and exciting to see the smiles and joy when a particular dream that seemed far out of reach is realized.

Prosperity is all about believing in your dreams.

Eckhart Tolle teaches us that often the greatest obstacle to manifestation of our dreams is twofold: we affirm lack in our thinking, and we don’t believe our dreams can come true.

There is a saying among fitness trainers that people will do anything to lose weight and get fit except diet and exercise. In my work I have found that people will do anything to realize their dreams except meditate and change their minds.

Meditation allows our presence, our Divine connection, to well up. We can feel and know we are part of the Divine, not separate. The only thing we have to deal with is our own thoughts. To create the world you love you have every thing you need: thoughts, feelings and belief.

Our way of believing deep down in our convinced mind is our faith. In truth, we are consciousness, which contains everything we could ever want. (Paraphrased from Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra and confirmed by my own experience.)

It’s natural as Divine beings to aim high. To wish for wealth and happiness. To dream of things out of our reach. That is the fun of life, and life is meant to be fun.

The movie Dreamer is a true story that contains every element of manifesting your dreams.

Belief, passion, overcoming seeming insurmountable challenges and fears, and Love. The movie contains everything you need to know about manifesting your dreams. So dust off the dreams you may have set aside for lack of trust and belief, and see how far you can take them. I believe you can go all the way and have the pure joy and bliss of realizing your dreams and also reap the rewards of the Spiritual growth along the way.