Tag Archives: Dolphins

Our Oceans

Hello friends.

The video above, “Spotted Dolphins,” is your two minutes of Zen for the day. Just take a few deep breaths, relax and allow the peace and joy from the Ocean and Dolphins; definitely a bridge of love-light.

One breath of nature makes the whole world kin. – Shakespeare

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. – John Muir

More and more people are awakening and realizing we are in the Golden Age of Aquarius, where Universal Love is the primary quality permeating all life. Currently it may not look like that in our world, but little by little,  life is blossoming around and through Humanity, the Elemental Kingdoms, Animal Kingdoms and Plant kingdoms, especially Trees.

A few years ago I learned from Sananda that the great changes on our Grandmother Earth would be grass roots. From the bottom up. Not from Governments or the “top” but from individuals. Us. 

Today we can help our Oceans and all life in the Divine Waters of this incredibly beautiful planet by very simple but powerful individual acts of awareness and kindness.

When you are on your walk today, pick up the small bits of trash, as that is what birds choose as food. Cigarette butts, bottle caps and shiny foil wrappers attract seagulls, pelicans and other birds. 

September in California is beach clean up month. There are hundreds of sites that provide everything you will need to join the cleanup crew. It’s fun also. The statistics of wildlife that are killed each year due to trash are disheartening. 

I take an extra poop bag when I’m walking Lola, my daughter’s dog, so I can easily pick up the small bits of trash. When we pick up one cigarette butt, a bird might be saved. I love that feeling.

The very big thing you can do is stop buying single-use plastics. Of course keep the plastics you have in your home that you are using over and over. Single-use plastics are choking our streams, rivers and oceans. Most of these are water or beverage containers. Only 5% of all plastics are recycled.

One of my favorite and effective not-for-profit organizations is Oceana. Founded by Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson over 20 years ago, Oceana has been making great strides in helping our Oceans.

These three small actions: trash pick up, “no more” single use plastic, and supporting Oceana, are small individual actions, but multiplied by millions will make great strides in solving our Ocean Pollution. Our clean oceans can feed one billion people.

Also, a message from our Golden Dolphins: don’t forget to rest and play. With all that needs to be done on our Mother Earth, play refreshes our spirit and renews us. Our inner child needs lots of rest and silly fun to be in the creative spirit that will solve the problems at hand. Teamwork and Cooperation are the order of the day. 

Thank you for creating these bridges of love-light for You, your family and friends and our very amazing, mysterious and Divine home- planet Earth.


Now is the time of the Golden Dolphin.

Dolphins express and are Unconditional Love. 

Twelve times in Humanity’s history, the Golden Spirit Dolphins have wanted to share their wisdom, mysteries and secrets, but humanity was not ready. Now is the 13th time, and humanity is ready.

Water is the element of Love. Dolphins live in a sea of Love.

Masaru Emoto tells us he was guided by the Hado, or Spirit of Water, and was inspired and elevated in his thinking to create his amazing discoveries about “the memory” and communication in Water.


The photo above is a Crystal of water when he gave it the word “Dolphin.” Masaru Emoto created a Water Crystal Oracle. Number seven is the description for Dolphin: “Dolphins are our teachers of unconditional LOVE. Focus on them when you need to connect with this energy. Picture yourself surrounded by them in the ocean as you swim together surrounded by their bubbles of joy.”

As you look at this Dolphin “Crystal” you can see a stunning, shining visual of their essence of beauty.

Another of Masaru Emoto’s books that I love is The Healing Power of Water. It is very comprehensive, with three major divisions: Scientific Perspectives (five amazing chapters), Health and Healing Perspectives (five well documented and astonishing chapters), and part three, Spiritual and Mythological Perspectives (with 11 of my favorite chapters, including Chapter 21, “Rituals for celebrating the sacred gift of Water,” by Maril Crabtree.)

When I tune into Dolphin Consciousness and Kudos my, Seven Spirit Dolphin guides, they tell me “jump.” I always laugh when I do. Also synchronicity, serendipity and synergy are their calling cards. Because they are unlimited and live in Spirit and in body in the ocean, which is the greatest conductor of thought with feeling, telempathy is one of their gifts; they can  coordinate events for us for the pure delight of the experience.

Synergy is a Divine quality of the Golden age of Aquarius where cooperation, communication with love, and teamwork are the order of the day. Dolphins live in the Now in family groups. Their babies are their world. 

You can explore Dolphin Consciousness in your Meditations, shower, beach or pool. Their love and wisdom are always available for us. I like to see and feel Kudos in Dream time. You can have the intention of seeing them in your dreams and ask to remember your encounters. Sometimes I receive a feeling of exuberance, and other times the feeling of giant blue-green ocean waves that are carrying me out to sea; overwhelming peace, love and healing.

I’m very  grateful for Kudos with their love, guidance and inspiration telling me to “keep going.”


Dolphins have so much to teach us. 

They are masters of family love, teamwork, cooperation and joy.

There is a myth that at a time when humanity is ready they will share their knowledge of frequencies and sound, for creating, healing and spiritual understanding.

The legend goes that 12 times in humanity’s history, the dolphins wanted to share their wisdom, though humanity wasn’t ready.

Now, in this Age of Aquarius, the 13th time, the Golden Dolphins can share their wisdom.

The book I’m highlighting today is Angels of the Sea: Sacred Dolphin Art of Atlantis, by Michele Gold (copyright 1996). It’s one of my favorite books of all time.

Over the years I have misplaced this book, forgotten that I had it, and I have always been so delighted to find it again. I love opening it randomly to a page and finding the beautiful art and wisdom that feeds my Soul, my thought for the day.

I have often wondered why I haven’t always had it at my side. The only answer I could come up with is sometimes I haven’t been in a joyous or fun enough mood to receive it. Today I want to share one of my favorite illustrations with you. It  was on the original dust cover:

Michele had an incredible journey to be able to swim with wild Dolphins in the Bahamas.

Overcoming her fear of drowning and making the preparations of fitness and strength, swimming, treading water and needing to trust in the Dolphin Dreams she was having, she manifested her trip to the Bahamas. A beautiful story in itself, though that was just the beginning of her adventure to swim with and learn from pods of wild Atlantic Spotted, Spinner and Bottlenose dolphins.

If you aren’t going to have the opportunity to swim with Wild Dolphins anytime soon, I feel you will have an amazing adventure reading her book. The art, poetry by her love, Scott Huckabay, and wisdom from many other authors offer the reader a Divine Alchemy. Jumps for joy, beauty, love and inspiration– to mention a few of the transcendent qualities in this book.

From the preface: Dolphins are the messengers of love, Bodhisattvas of the ocean, transporters of myth, lucid dream connectors, ancient ancestors, beauty from all directions, teachers of all that should be known. Carriers of all stories, alchemists of energy, troubadours of wisdom, mystical mermaids… The angels of the Sea.

I have had the joy and almost indescribable experience of swimming with wild dolphins in San Diego, Coronado, San Clemente and Carmel, California. The encounters were brief, but I could feel their love, and kind of an electric energy as they grazed my leg while I was sitting on my surfboard. At other times, while I was body surfing or swimming, they jumped out of the water or swam by me and brought so many laughs and fun.

Wishing you joy,


My sister Charmaine sent me this clipping in 1999

One of my own personal  favorite spirit guides are dolphins.

Dolphins are all Love. They are highly sentient and telepathic. Their most important relationship is with their babies. They nurse their young for at least three years. In their pod, the auntie dolphins help the mothers. They exemplify some of the major qualities of the Aquarian Age, which we have entered: Love, Creativity, Cooperation, Teamwork, Family and Community, and Play.

Dolphins love to play. They can make huge bubbles under water and play catch with other Dolphins. They jump and toss seaweed to each other and also have been seen drawing pictures in the sand. 

Their cooperation and teamwork in fishing affords them time left over for play, exploration and fun.

They have been known to guide schools of fish to better feeding grounds so have been dubbed “the shepherds of the Sea.”

For their own feeding grounds they have developed unique cooperative fishing techniques as shown in the videos below.  Also, they are shown helping people fish.

My favorite part of my seven spirit- dolphin guides, Kudos, is they remind me to play and have fun. Usually, when I ask them for personal guidance, the first thing they say is, “jump.” That makes me laugh. I instantly feel to let go, and do something else for a while. After being refreshed, my problem has been scaled down, and I often receive simple solutions I hadn’t thought of.

Dolphins can also remind us to do great or small actions in our daily life to help clean up their home, our beautiful Ocean.

Our oceans provide life for trillions of aquatic species and for us. Water is Love and Life.

We humans have the ability to clean the oceans. Now is most definitely the time. Number one on the list is not purchasing single use plastic bottles or any single use plastic. Oceana.org is doing great work along with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and other marine advocates around the world. You and I, individuals, are the most powerful in this endeavor. We have the ability to change laws, support organizations helping the oceans, and there are an infinite number of ways large and small to help our dolphins, whales and all marine life, NOW.

I’m very sure you can think of simple ways you can help right where you stand. 

Thank you. 

Dolphins and the Golden Age of Aquarius

Drawing and photo by Nina Wilkins

Twelve times in Earth’s history Dolphins have wanted to share their wisdom and Divine magic with humanity. Each of those times, their higher spirit selves revealed to them that most people were not ready. Now is the 13th time, and humanity has crossed the threshold into the New World, and humanity is ready.

Disney+ has just released two truly amazing documentary films about bottlenose dolphins. Not only dolphins, but also the reef community of humpback whales, turtles, many varieties of fish, shrimp and sharks are included. Dolphin Reef is a documentary that is made into a story, narrated by Natalie Portman. While I was watching I kept thinking, “How did the cinematographers ever get these shots?” You are very up-close to the dolphins’ eyes and faces. You can feel their love as though you were right there.

One truly great part of this film is teaching children about community and the connections every creature has on the reef. Each unique fish, plant, turtle, and coral has an important part to play, especially sharks. The most villanized fish in the sea is one of the most integral to the health of the whole ocean.

The program shows Dolphin characteristics that they are teaching us. Cooperation for the good of the whole pod is a main one. The scene where they fish together by making circular sand nets is worth the price of admission. Helping each other creates plenty of time left for play.

Dolphins are mammals, and their number one relationship in their community is with their offspring. Mothers nurse and tend to their babies for up to three years. They tend to the young, keeping them close with the help of “aunty dolphins.” Unlike fish, which have gills, they breathe air, so moms and aunts help the youngsters up to the surface and keep them very close for nap time. Dolphins only sleep with half of their brains while the other half keeps them alert.

Dolphins are all about love and trust. Unconditional love for ourselves, humanity and Grandmother Earth, with her Mother Nature, are the keys to living harmoniously and richly in the New World. Dolphins are leading the way by being such a good example in  their entire Reef community.

After asking myself how this film was even made, I saw the companion documentary, Diving with Dolphins, which showed me in detail. Jacque Cousteau’s granddaughter, Celine, narrates taking us around the world with several divers, boat captains and helicopter pilots who collaborated to make this incredible underwater story.

If you can take a break and watch these films, you will gain insight into the dolphins’ water world and a beginning understanding of their community. They are ready to teach us telepathy, play, the joy of movement, creating with sound, being in community and love. Very much love.

All of their magic– sonar, echo location, telepathy, synchronicity and serendipity, cooperation and nurturing the young– is guided by LOVE and a very special light frequency.

Art by H.L. Wilkins, photo by Nina Wilkins

Kudos — 7 Spirit Dolphins

painting done by my youngest daughter, Hana when she was 14
Painting by my youngest daughter, Hana, when she was 14.

There is a legend that says 12 times in humanity’s history the Golden Dolphins have wanted to share their secrets, and 12 times humanity was deemed not ready. Now is the 13th time, and humanity is ready to receive the wisdom of the ages for creating a Nova Earth, a heaven on Mother, or Grandmother, Earth. You, Dear Heart, are here to create that Paradise, and the Dolphins in Spirit or in body are here to help you.

So, let’s get started.

You are as innocent as the Dolphin’s smile. You are a Divine Child. In that part of you, your child within, you can receive messages from the Dolphin consciousness as they have abilities to communicate telepathically, as you do. Water is the wonderful Love medium that helps us receive Spiritual messages, whether in the deep ocean or taking a bath or shower. The Golden, or Spirit, Dolphins want us to remember our Oneness with all that is. Awakening to all of our mystical and miracle abilities will happen when we understand that these abilities are commanded by Love, with our understanding our Oneness. Telepathy, psychic awareness, psychokinesis and advanced manifesting techniques will do no harm when commanded by Love.

Dolphins are very willing and eager to teach us about the power and joy of conscious group awareness and creativity. Working together towards common goals we will have so much more time left over for fun. Dolphins work together to move a school of fish close to shore, encircling them so their meal is easy to catch and there is plenty for all– with time left over for play and fun.

When I first began channeling, I learned easily how to channel Sananda, though my main obstacle was doubt and my feeling of being unworthy. With practice, healing and Spiritual growth over the years, this practice and ability became very real and very helpful for myself, friends and family. Channeling Dolphins is an entirely different story that is still being written.

Kudos has taught me in ways that have taken me years to understand. A couple of years after opening to channel I felt compelled to learn how to scuba dive. Fun. Yay! Joy— until our third open-Water dive. Our new instructor decided to take us to an advanced dive spot that our previous teacher had told us not to dive until we were experienced. Fear crept in, and I wondered why she was taking us to this spot when our lessons included taking off our masks and dropping and and retrieving our weight belts. The ocean surge above us became so strong (we were down about 25 feet) that it was dizzying. My fear turned to terror as I felt drowning may be a possibility, when I heard the sweetest sound in my awareness. It was Kudos.

They said: “We didn’t bring you here to drown you. We want you to feel us in our element.” I regained calm and finished the lessons. The next dive was pure bliss.

About a week later we had our deep-Water, 60-feet dive. For this dive, I understood what Kudos was teaching me: the peace, beauty, silence and bliss of the deep ocean. Indescribable.

One fun part was seeing all of the sea life alive and swimming. The kelp beds swaying, clams, sea snails, star fish, sand dollars and scallops all moving and colorful. Fish and baby sea lions nipping at our fins. All together and moving. Such a contrast to the weathered and bleached lifeless forms on the beach. Movement, harmony, silence, peace and beauty were my rewards for trusting Kudos’ guidance. I can remember every moment of that dive, even though it was 30 years ago.

A wonderful book that can take you into the Spirit of Dolphins energetically is Angels of the Sea: Sacred Dolphin Art of Atlantis, by Michele Gold. One of my favorite books of all time. She manifested her trip to the Bahamas to swim with Wild Dolphins all with the help of Spirit Dolphin guidance.

Her art translates her experiences in vivid images that take the viewer into the Dolphin world and consciousness.

Kudos–7 Spirit Dolphins

You may have heard reports, as they are very common, of people having spiritual,uplifting, miraculous, and healing experiences when they swim with wild or captive dolphins.  Today, I’d like to share with you a way you might have these experiences without being in the water with dolphins. 

Many years ago I attended a spiritual healing workshop in Jackson Hole, WY.  This was a time before I had opened to channel.  In the evening after our workshop session we, about 20 participants, sat in a circle to share our wisdom.  As we went around the circle several of the participants told me they saw spirit dolphins swimming around my head.  That was news to me.  I grew up in San Clemente, CA, surfing and swimming in the ocean almost daily and hadn’t really noticed dolphins that much.  The thought of spirit dophins swimming around my head seemed strange to me even though I knew I was intuitive and could feel what animals were saying; cats, dogs, and horses mainly. I really didn’t know what to make of spirit dolphins.  A couple of years later I formally opened to channel and found I was channeling Sananda and Kudos, 7-spirit dolphins.  I didn’t really have any clue as to how to  channel dolphins. All I knew was what people told me when I was channeling.  They felt and clairvoyantly saw the dolphins and felt uplifted and happy.

The first thing they taught me was how they think in wholeness.  The glass is neither half empty nor half full.  It is completely full; half full of something and half full of air and we need air.  Continue reading Kudos–7 Spirit Dolphins

Spiritual Prosperity -Delight as Motivation

Remember, the overall theme of this blog is Spiritual Prosperity with a Foundation in Metaphysical Practice.  As I mentioned before, I start my practice with Love, and Kudos tells me to jump.  Jumping makes me laugh.  Not taking myself to seriously is key. You might wonder what Dolphins have to do with this.  As I promised last week, I would give you another attracting quality to your good, and a repelling one.  An attracting quality that the dolphins demonstrate for us is delight as motivation.  Fun, play, and exhuberance are emanated from most dolphins.  A repelling quality is greed.  One aspect of greed is the feeling or thought of “not enough.”  Remember we can only think one thought at a time so to let go of greed we can be in attracting thoughts, feelings, and qualities.  Dolphins love to swim, play, make love and eat herring.  They fish in group cooperation and each gets fed.  They live in many attracting qualities: delight, joy, fun, and play. Continue reading Spiritual Prosperity -Delight as Motivation

Foundations of metaphysical practice

Bridges of Love-Light is a spiritual blog where I hope to share with you metaphysical principles that have helped me immeasurably in my life.  I’ve learned that when I return to the love that I am (and you are), I’m ready to learn what my higher guidance wishes to teach me.  That is one of the foundation principals we will be working with in this space.

My intention is to give you metaphysical (beyond and above the physical; ie. Spiritual, thought, feelings, visions, dreams, vibrations, and frequencies), tools that are simple and easy to use.  You just need to remember to use them.  One of my spiritual teachers, V.T. (Valorie Taylor), told me that that was the entire spiritual path, that we remember to use and practice, practice, practice, practice the simple tools given to us. We will be working  primarily with thoughts, feelings, and your spiritual high- self.  I’m a channel for Sananda (a current name for Jesus, and a call to souls who know him by that name), Kudos (7 spirit Dolphins) and Lela (my high-self). Continue reading Foundations of metaphysical practice