Tag Archives: Sanaya Roman


We are in a highly creative time, NOW.

You can give yourself a highly effective home study course by using the principles in these books.

Creating Money, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Money and the Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks


The Tao of Allowing, by G.P. Walsh

Many years ago I taught a year-long course for 16 participants. I titled it Spiritual Prosperity. We met twice a month in my home and used the top three books among several others as our texts. The Tao of Allowing is a most important current addition. We must know we are allowed to allow and receive our good.

We were all Channels and Healers and accustomed to working with the Divine in meditation, prayer, and using our intuition. This Course was about creating miracles in our lives and bringing to fruition our purposes and desires. 

We gave each other support and reported our personal miracles to each other, sometimes daily.

It was a joyful, fun, and rewarding class for me to give– to hear the participants’ stories of receiving the fruition of long held desires that they thought were impossible to accomplish.

I’m sharing these ideas today so you can utilize these thoughts and feelings to co-create and manifest your own desires.

Determine your current, heart felt soul desires first. Ask the Universe of good, your Source, the Divine as clearly as you can, your wishes. Then  Allow it so you can receive it.

Your feelings are your guide.

There really is only one important question for you to ask: ‘How can I bring myself into vibrational alignment with the desires that my experience has produced?

And the answer is simple:  “Pay attention to the way you feel and deliberately choose thoughts —about everything—that feel good to you when you think them.”- Esther and Jerry Hicks

Happy creating,


In the animal kingdoms the hummingbird is the totem of Joy. Whenever a hummingbird comes close to me and I hear its sound and feel its vibration, I do feel Joy. Its colors are so alive, radiant and glistening; so vibrant. Hummingbirds can fly backwards, forwards and straight up so quickly that their flash of color seems to clear away any old, stagnant energy in the air. It’s easy to see why they are the totem of Joy.

Sananda has told me often that if I am feeling Joyful I’m doing my purpose.

Joy contains love, peace, happiness, fun, humor, laughs, creativity, inspiration and is a frequency that strengthens you. Such a small word with a huge impact on our lives.

The thing about Joy it is a gift from Divine Love that is a part of us and always available. It is our presence in the stillness. Joy will bubble up from our beingness when given a chance.

When I first learned to channel higher frequency guides, one of the first questions we would ask of our guides was, “Is it possible to live with Real Joy?” (Opening to Channel, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer). The guides had many thoughts for us that would help us live with Joy. Because that was a question that always got strong response from our guides, Joy was given an important role in our Spiritual growth and Life Choices. So much so that Sanaya channeled her first book from her guide, Orin, teaching about Joy; Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman.

Take Joy breaks in your day. Joy uplifts, and from that place your creativity will flow.

Some Joy thoughts from the book, Joy, written and compiled by M.H. Clark:
Prepare for Joy and believe in Joy.
“These are the days of miracle and wonder.” Paul Simon
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” Marianne Williamson
“I thank you God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.” E.E. Cummings.

So today, savor Joy.

Below, I included one of my favorite pieces of music, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” It’s even better because it’s a flash mob in a shopping mall in Japan. I never tire of hearing it.

I hope I have given you Joy today.

“The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.” John Greenleaf Whittier

A Higher Perspective: You and I Are Bridges of Love-Light With Mother Nature

Symbols, or metaphors, I enjoy for the four directions (these are just a few, as they are infinite): North- top, our trees or the standing people are leading us; East- right, celestite and pearls are reminding us of our pure connection to spirit and that pearls are formed by healing irritations that are transmuted to wisdom; South- bottom, is our Dolphins teaching us to play in the waters of Love; West- left, is discovering our connection to creativity for the Earth and her many elemental kingdoms.

In 1986 I traveled with two friends to the “Gathering of the Children of Light” on Mt. Shasta in California. I had seen a very small little advertisement on the bulletin board of East West
Bookstore, my home away from home, in Menlo Park. All it said was “A gathering on Mt. Shasta: Three days with speakers and channeling; $50.00, including meals.” Pat, Marilyn and I thought: “What fun! We will camp at Crystal Lake and see what the gathering is all about.”

We didn’t know what to expect and were planning for the adventure of going to a new place and being three women out on our own, which was not the norm of the time. How quickly life has changed. Our campsite was breathtaking, with a view of the mountain, and our spirits were very high and joyful. The first morning, we traveled up the Mountain, not quite to Panther Meadows, and came to a clearing with a wooden stage built for the event and a makeshift kitchen. To our surprise there were 300 people there. We kept looking at each other with expressions of, “Wow, how did we get here?”

The three days were nothing short of miraculous. On the first day, at the morning break, I noticed a young man with several people standing around him. I walked over to see that he was holding an optically clear, eight-sided, quartz crystal about 11 inches long. I had never seen anything like it and could see why people were exclaiming at its beauty. He casually said, “Well, everyone needs a metaphor.”

Right after seeing the crystal, I was walking across the grounds with a man I had just met, and we had walked several hundred feet before I realized we had been having an entire conversation telepathically. I was starting to get the gist that this was going to be an amazing three days.

The speakers were the “Who’s Who” of channels at the time, and the gathering was presented by “The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara,” A.S.S.K. I had read many of the books authored by these channels and was thrilled to meet them: Virginia Essene, Sister Thedra and Tueta to name a few. The book compiled and published from that event is still available on Amazon: Celestial Raise; ‘Tiers of Light’ Pouring Forth from the Son, compiled by Marcus.

As the days progressed my friends and I were transformed without even realizing it. At the breaks we were treated to amazing meals that seemed to have just materialized for a group of 300 people. Marilyn and Pat and I noticed how quiet and peaceful and harmonious the days were when we noticed several men spaced several yards apart, around the perimeter, doing light work. We hadn’t seen this energy work before, but it was explained to us by one of the volunteers.

We often don’t know when an event or a moment will change our lives and transform us. I stayed an extra day so I could attempt to integrate all I had experienced and to explore the Mountain. A volunteer told me to make sure and visit Panther Meadows, which I did, and was delighted by Alpine meadow wildflowers and an “otherworldly feeling.” Later I found out it was named after St. Germaine’s Spirit-Panther that people had seen there, not realizing the Panther was a spirit.

As I drove home the next day, alone, a song kept playing on the radio, “We are the World, We are the Children.” A very strange thing happened; no matter what channel I turned to, this same song was playing. I had about 300 miles to drive. About every 10 minutes, the entire way, this song came on. I got the message. That was the moment I committed to my World Service, even though I didn’t know what it was going to be. A few months later I formally opened to channel at a workshop given by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.

We are in the time now of a Global Transformation. People are opening their hearts and realizing they have a spiritual purpose, even though they don’t quite know what it is. Keep listening to your inner high self, and you will hear step-by-step what to do. Be Love, and you will see you have never been separated from your Creator, your fellow man or Mother Nature.

A Higher Perspective

Photo by Nina Wilkins

As I have often repeated, my Sacramento City College Political Science professor’s exclamation as he almost ran into our classroom: “So what? Who cares? And why does it matter?” A wakeup call for sure. We are all integral parts of an incredible Earth Rising and awakening. Humanity is on the brink of an entirely new way of being in the world. Love, Unity, Peace, Cooperation, Oneness, Creativity, Joy, Fun, Caring for all of Earth’s inhabitants are what matters most NOW.

We all matter. Our thoughts, our words, our feelings, our actions are all contributing to the New Earth Reality.

The photos above and below demonstrate a very potent and simple way we can contribute our higher selves’ beingness to all that is: relaxing, napping and being ourselves. Very simple and enjoyable. The top photo is of our friend’s cat, Gobbles, and the bottom is of Gobbles and Hana’s dog, Lola. Dogs are good at napping also.

I just discovered a wise, beautiful and inspiring Oracle Card deck, Archangel Animal Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook, by Diana Cooper. In it she writes about 44 different animals. She gives their soul missions, higher self qualities and gifts to the Earth and Humanity. I love her Higher Perspective.

For cat, she gives the qualities of relaxed and independent Archangel Raphael: “All felines originate from Orion, the constellation of enlightenment and wisdom, and are highly evolved fifth-dimensional psychic beings. Domestic cats watch over and protect the homes where they live, while big cats are watchers and protectors of the planet. They are all healers. Cats know how to relax at a deep core level so that they can access pure spiritual guidance and spread this information to humans and animals.”

I have found this to be true in my life and have always loved the cats that have come to live with me. I feel it is of the utmost importance for all of us now to relax, pause, be still and hear our spiritual guidance. We all have Archangels and personal guides, whether ancestors, animals, fairies, trees, flowers, insects, birds, crystals or ascended Masters AND our own High Selves connected to the Divine. We all have Higher guidance; it’s just up to us to be quiet and listen. And, of course, to follow the guidance to the best of our ability, today.

Steve Jobs is quoted as saying, “You can only connect the dots backwards.” I have found this to be so true. We often don’t find out why some information and guidance is given to us until much later. Our task is first to determine that it is higher guidance through our intuition, feelings and instincts, then trust. An invaluable resource is Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. Following guidance is a skill that can be learned. This honed skill will help you save time in your pursuits, help you grow spiritually, help you heal and develop compassion for yourself and others.

So, rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, stillness and napping are the order of the day. Know yourself, honor yourself, accept yourself and love yourself in the stillness. That calm will translate to peace to those around you and will be a wonderful contribution to the collective; AND all you had to do was take a nap.

Photo by Nina Wilkins

Why Manifest Your Good?

Because manifesting is fun, creative and loving.

Freesia and the most fragrant rose by Nina Wilkins
Freesia and the most fragrant rose by Nina Wilkins

Manifesting allows the universe to surprise you with goodness that is meant just for you.

One thought I received from Sondra Ray and Leonard Orr was that everyone was born with a main pattern to heal: the scarcity belief of not enough, failing to get even, birth trauma, the parental disapproval syndrome and lack of self-love, to name the main ones.

In my early spiritual seeking I realized the scarcity belief was something I needed to transform and heal. That quest has led me to a myriad of teachings, books, travels and healings. One skill I have learned along the way is direct manifestation for what I need or want. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, gardens and flowers have healed, inspired and brought me peace.

One such garden is in Findhorn, an intentional community, which, now, more than 33 years later, is an Ecovillage. Findhorn was founded by Eileen and Peter Caddy (The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation) and Dorothy Maclean. The amazing thing they accomplished was to found a community by listening to their spiritual guides, Divas, and the Spirit of nature. Findhorn is located on the North Sea in Scotland. When Eileen and Dorothy received spiritual guidance to plant a garden, they thought they were not hearing correctly. That location is cold, windy and with beach sand for soil. They channeled the guidance and Peter carried out the instructions. With just these three and their children having the courage to follow their guidance they grew plants, trees and vegetables. The garden was so amazing it drew gardeners from Edinburgh to find out how this was possible and ask “what were they doing?”

The principles were all around working with the Spirit of nature and the Divas, or Earth Angels. In working in this way they learned how to directly manifest what they needed for themselves and the garden. Soon, they attracted a new member to their team, David Spangler, who has since written several books about manifestation.

The fun part for me about learning to manifest is feeling loved by the Universe. Now, today, Abraham, through the Hicks materials, is teaching thousands of people how to manifest their desires. I love their thought that it is as easy to manifest a castle as a button. Also that in 17 seconds you can feel better by directing your thoughts to ideas that make you feel good.

Another very powerful teaching is by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, Creating Money: Attracting Abundance.

These thoughts and beliefs have worked for me over the years:

  • “Everything is at hand.” – Saint Germaine
  • All Substance is Spiritual. “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” – Mary Baker Eddy.
  • “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Jesus (Matthew 21:22)
  • Use delight as motivation and gratitude and appreciation to allow and receive your good.
  • Thank before it has come.

So over the last 33 years I have discovered and used all of the tools, thoughts and beliefs to overcome the scarcity belief: meditation, prayer, visualization, channeling high level guides, books, workshops, travel, teaching workshops and visiting incredible gardens and nature spots. Now, Sananda has told me that I have overcome the scarcity belief; he doesn’t want me to believe it. It has been an incredible journey, and I’m grateful for the lessons and manifesting more than I could have ever wished for materially and Divinely.

A very small Hallmark book I used to read my daughter, Roeya, still comes into my awareness and hers, as it was simple, tender, loving kindness, the best manifestations of all: Let me love the little things (Hallmark editions), by Helen Lowrie Marshall.

Dear God, please give to me
A thankful heart for little things
For sunshine on my kitchen floor
For news the postman brings
For memories in the making
Things the children do and say
That I will smile about, perhaps
Some future, lonelier day.
Grant me appreciation
Of the small joys that are mine
The children’s birthday parties
My honeysuckle vine
The clean, fresh smell
Of clothes just washed
The ivy on my wall
The children’s thrilled delight
To wake and find the first snowfall.
For robins in the springtime
And autumn’s crispy weather
For leaves that crunch
Friends in for lunch
And laughter shared together.
Give me enthusiasm
To greet each brand new day
With an honest joy in living
As I go my simple way
I do not ask contentment
That would ambition stay
But let me love the little things
I find along the way.

Jump, Play, Love

I first met Kudos, 7 Spirit  Dolphins, in 1983 at a Healing workshop in Jackson, Wyoming.  After one of the lectures, the presenter had us sit in a circle and pass around a speaking stick. The “stick” was a long (about 10 inches), clear crystal wand. I had never seen anything like it. 

At that time, public speaking terrified me– especially impromptu, with people I had never met. We proceeded around the circle of 20 participants, and I was fascinated by what people had to say about the question, “What simple thing could you do to make your life better?” I loved hearing the different points of view, but noticed how long, complex and difficult each person’s answer to the question was. Then, it was a 12-year-old boy’s turn. He quickly answered saying,” I would try new things, and meet new people and be in nature having fun.” 

All of us, the adults in the circle, laughed and agreed: that is it! Each of the adults had had long, drawn-out responses with many pauses in their answers. All these years later, his is the only response I remember.

After the close of the circle, several of the participants came up to me to tell me I had Spirit Dolphins swimming around the top of my head. I was surprised and amazed and didn’t really know what to do with that information. I had always loved surfing, the Oceans and Dolphins, but I didn’t really understand I could channel Dolphins until I took an Opening to channel workshop in 1987 with Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. Again, several of the other participants saw the Spirit Dolphins around me. “Wow,” I thought, “what should I do with this?”

Over and over again I would hear, “Jump, Play, Love, swim and eat herring.” Over the many years, that is the only verbal guidance I have received from them except one other phrase: “The legend of the Golden Dolphin. Twelve Times in Humanity’s history, the Golden Dolphins have wanted to share their knowledge with Humanity but realized they weren’t ready. Now is the 13th time, and Humanity is ready.”

The other unusual aspect of that circle that has unfolded in my life, and grown exponentially since then, is my resonance and channeling abilities with Kudos. They have helped me develop my telepathy, energy work, clairaudience, clairsencience, empathy and channeling ability all on nonverbal levels. They have helped me enormously in my ability to feel and communicate with the Spirit of nature and understand that everything is connected.

So far, that is what I have received. I’m guessing more will be revealed as we move more into Nova Earth, Oneness, Love, Creativity, Co-operation, Joy, Fun and Unity.

In the meantime of now I am following their guidance to Jump, Play, Love, Have Fun and Eat herring. My favorite.

Channeling Your High Self

Photo and mandala by Nina Wilkins
Photo and Mandala by Nina Wilkins

My Channeling teachers, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, told me Channeling is not for the faint of heart. Over the last 30 years of being a professional Channel, I have found that to be true. Along the way my heart has been strengthened in ways I could not have imagined. The work of practicing Channeling has brought me healing, peace, fun, compassion and very many unexpected joyful manifestations. If You are drawn to learning this skill and practicing it, I feel sure Channeling will enhance Your life and spiritual growth.

I once heard an Olympic coach say that it takes 10 years, four hours a day, to build an Olympic athlete. I told this to my friend, Janette, and we decided then to practice Channeling every day for 10 years, and we did. The time spent was well worth the effort on so many levels.

If You are not drawn to Channeling an Ascended Master, or High Level guide, maybe Your interest lies in connecting more strongly with Your High Self. A dear friend of mine, Max, was a minister and incredible professional artist. Her religion taught her not to listen to a Channel. We were close friends, and I needed practice, so she willingly let me give her readings and then she gave me feedback. Over many months she saw the benefit and validity of my Channeling and became more open to it. She came to realize that she was Channeling an artist, Paolo Veronese, who had been helping her with her painting.

The times require us to open to our spiritual gifts for our own peace of mind and to help others find calm during these turbulent times. Channeling a High Level guide does not interfere with Your own free will but enhances it. Conscious Channeling, not trance Channeling, is what I’m speaking of. Your intuition and awareness are strengthened, confirmed and affirmed with this practice.

One day I was out running errands and hoping to receive money in the mail. I looked in my P.O. Box, and it was empty so I decided to do the things that didn’t require cash. I left the post office and was about a half mile away when I felt I had to go back and check again. I did. When I opened my box, right at that exact moment the clerk’s hand reached in and gave me the letter with the cash. That had never happened before or since. Just at that moment I opened my box, he put the letter in. I laughed, and so did he. I live for these synchronicities and small miracles. My day completely changed as I had the financial ability then to complete my list with a smile and feeling my Divine Guidance.

There are many types of intuition and we all have most of them, even if they have not awakened yet in our consciousness. In 1982 I took my undergraduate degree in International Relations at San Francisco State University. One of my minors was in a new program, “Nexus, Science and Humanities Convergence.” The new Science at that time, which is common now, was the difference in right- and left-brained thinking. The right being artistic, intuitive, dreamy and mystical, or unexplainable in current cognitive structures; and left hemisphere being logical, scientific, rational and possibly provable and tangible to the normal senses. The many courses I took were not only fascinating but were confirming of what I knew of my own intuition at the time. One overall theme of all of the courses was that we in the West had a split brain, which gave us a split culture. With our whole brain working in many people now, we are creating a whole and healed world.

On a frequency line of color, light and sound there are an infinite variety of notes, colors and light. Radio stations each have their own Channels. Our own physical, mental and emotional chakras have their own unique color frequencies. The combinations of color, music and light are infinite. So are the Channeling frequencies. Meditation, clairvoyance, intuition, Channeling, mediumship, contemplation, Beingness and Your still, small voice are all different frequencies. The skill of consciously channeling a High Level guide through Your own High Self, who is also of a High Frequency when not overshadowed by doubt and disbelief, offers a variety of wisdom according to Your own desires, dreams and interests.

If You would like to learn how to Channel, start with Sanaya and Duane’s book Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide.

I offer coaching also. You may contact me by clicking here.

The photo above for You includes the light frequencies of Divine Love, rose Quartz, clear Quartz for increasing the Love and amethyst to affirm Your crown chakra. The green Big Sur Jade is for peace and prosperity and a moon stone to awaken Your right brain intuition.

Spiritual Prosperity Nova Earth

Prosperity for All is the Cornerstone of Nova Earth, Part 2

Last week we spoke of the Law of Attraction and keeping our thoughts and feelings in qualities that attract our good and Prosperity. It’s also very important to know when we are in a state of resistance to our good so we don’t hold our riches, peace, loving relationships and money at bay. “Resistance is thoughts that are different enough in vibrational nature to hinder your natural connection with your Source.” (Ask and it is Given, E. & J. Hicks)

Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer (Creating Money) also teach us the qualities that are resistant to our good and repel Prosperity. These qualities are:  Greed, Vague Goals, Self-doubt, Belief that there is not enough, Regret about past mistakes, Spending out of obligation, Feeling the world owes you, fear, Worry and tension over finances, Feeling unfocused, Doing what others say to do with money, and Feeling guilty over spending.

The good news is you can change these thoughts and qualities the moment you notice them. One of the processes Abraham teaches us is “pivoting.” When you notice a resistant thought, pivot. Turn directly away from a repelling quality and toward a positive thought. Sananda teaches us also to turn toward what you want to create.

We have the power to create our good in every moment because Love, our good, is everywhere present. Jump off the list of resistant and repelling qualities and onto the list of attracting qualities, and you will see miracles abounding in your life.

I learned so much in the year-long course I taught on Spiritual Prosperity, and I continue to learn the importance and power of releasing resistance to my good. I noticed that my students who did the assigned homework each week made great progress and the ones who didn’t do their homework stayed in the same place. It was a great realization to me that not doing the homework was the very same resistance that caused the lack of good in the first place. So, jump over to the sunny side of the street and reap all of the benefits and your good.

Spiritual Prosperity Nova Earth
Photo by Nina Wilkins: Joy

Spiritual Prosperity

Prosperity for All is the Cornerstone of Nova Earth

Spiritual Prosperity is our Divine Heritage.

Take away a belief in scarcity held by many on Earth, and take away the fear of “not enough” money, love, food, homes, etc., and you will have a very good starting point for creating great Prosperity.

Spiritual Prosperity includes health, financial freedom, right work, higher purpose, peace and the joy of living. Moment by moment you have the ability to create this for yourself.

I had the joy of being one of the assistants to Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer (Creating Money) at their Creating Money Workshop. One hundred participants sat expectantly waiting for the information and processes to be given as it was discovered that almost all of the participants were healers or teachers in various spiritual or alternative traditions. Money was elusive to us. The workshop did not disappoint. The principles learned are simple and easy to practice. It does require practice, as your thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs about money are creating your reality of it.

To start: Change the belief that money isn’t spiritual, and rescind any vows of poverty you have taken.

Next, learn the qualities that attract money ( from Creating Money). Qualities include your thoughts and feelings. Attracting qualities are: Gratitude and thanks, Clarity of intent, Higher Purpose, Self-love, Joy, Enthusiasm, Delight as Motivation, openness to receive, Connection to spirit, faith trust persistence, Directed Will, Releasing fears, Focus and commitment, following inner guidance and positive affirmations and beliefs about money.

The good thing is you don’t have to be or master all of these qualities, but you do need to be in at least one or two most of the time. They are the antidote to the mass consciousness belief in scarcity and have the power to attract your good and Money.

Esther and Jerry Hicks have written many books on these laws of attraction, and the ones I choose often are appreciation, gratitude and thanks. They speak of having a rampage of appreciation (Ask and it is Given). The first time I read “have a rampage of appreciation,” I laughed, as the word rampage usually meant something negative or angry. I enjoyed the paradox that you can have a very positive rampage of appreciation, thanks and gratitude.

This always makes me happy and uplifted. In this state I receive ideas that lead to all kinds of good.

For years I worked cleaning a real estate office. On every desk there was a small upright sign that said “Attitude is Everything.” I would lean over to empty each waste basket, and as I was standing up I would see the sign over and over again. That was the highest-producing office in the area and a reminder for me to stay in gratitude. The wonderful part of using these principles is the realization that you can change your life for the better any time and any place by simply changing your beliefs and qualities of thought and feeling.

Spiritual Prosperity

Spiritual Prosperity-the Law of Attraction

When I was a child and went to Sunday school we were taught that “Love reflects love.”  As I grew up my mother told me often “birds of a feather flock together.”  I was also told that “like attracts like.”  What I didn’t know then was that  those expressions are testimony to the “Law of Attraction.”   Jesus taught us this principle when he said, “to those that have ,it is given, and to those who have not it is taken away.”In my young mind that statement didn’t seem fair.   I thought we should give to those that have not.  I didn’t understand the law of attraction.  Yes, giving is appropriate and an attracting quality to good,  though we each have to learn and discern what we are attracting by our thoughts, actions, and feelings, as that is what we will get more of.  The expression “nothing succeeds like success ,” is another way we discover this principle.

This law is as reliable as gravity and can cause us distress and consternation in our lives if we don’t understand it,  or, joy and fulfillment when we do. Continue reading Spiritual Prosperity-the Law of Attraction